(9) If the raising pipe is vertical with the unit, the distance between raising pipe and unit should be
less than 300mm.
(10) Drain pipes should have a downward slope of at least 1%~2%, in order to prevent pipes from
sagging, install hanger bracket at intervals of 1000~1500mm.
4.3.3 Test of Drainage System
(1) Please test drainage system after electric work is finished.
Inject approximately 1L purified water to drain pan from air vent, ensure that not to splash the
water over the electrical components (e.g. water pump. etc.).
1) In case of commissioning finished, please energize the IDUs and switch to cooling or
dry mode, meanwhile, the water pump operates, you can check the draining through the
transparent part of drain socket.
2) If communication wire is not connected, communication malfunction "C0" will occur after 60s
of energizing. In this case, the water pump operates automatically. Check if the water pump
drains normally drains normally through drainage port. The water pump will stop automatically
after running for 10min.
(2) During the test, please carefully check the drainage joint, make sure no any leakage occur.
(3) It's strongly recommend to do the drain test before ceiling decoration.
Copyright 2018. This translation is property of GREE PRODUCTS SL. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction without its express authorization is prohibited.
Multi Variable Air Conditioners One-way Cassette Type Indoor Unit
Drainage hose
Plastic watering pot
(The length of pipe is about 100mm)
【Inject water from the air-return outlet】
Raising pipe
for drainage
Metal clamp
Fig 4.3.3
Fig 4.3.4
Fig 4.3.5
Drainage pipe