3. Define the pulse weight (Pulse weig) and test power (Power test)
4. To start the test, set Yes in the Out test page: the test is then run immediately.
5. To terminate the test, set No in the Out test page.
NOTE: during the test, another power value may be set if required. On confirmation of
the value, the test transmission is then updated.
Resetting maximum and average power values
The analyzer calculates the maximum and average value for measurements of active,
apparent and reactive energy. These values can be reset in two ways, with or without
password access.
Resetting with password access, from the settings menu
1. From any page in the measurement menu, enter the settings menu: the Password?
page is then displayed.
2. Enter the password and confirm.
3. Scroll through the pages to display the Reset page and enter the sub-menu: the
Reset max page is then displayed.
4. Modify the parameter and select the option YES.
5. Confirm the operation: the message "Saving" is displayed and the maximum values
of active, apparent and reactive energy are reset.
6. View the next page (Reset dmd).
7. Modify the parameter and select the option YES.
8. Confirm the operation: the message "Saving" is displayed and the average values of
active, apparent and reactive energy are reset.
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