➀ Recommended Mounting Height and Tube System Applications are meant as a general guide and are adjusted to meet the requirements of the actual application.
The applications are as follows:
-- Spot or Area Heating is an application where occupant comfort is the goal and occupant(s) are either relatively stationary (Spot - Example: small work cell or dispersed over
a slightly wilder range than with Spot Heating (Area - Example: assembly line). Mounting height is typically at the low end of the range shown above.
-- Total Building Heating is an application where average space temperature is to be maintained, however due to the significant temperature gradient differences on
long straight tube systems, areas may exist where direct occupant comfort is not achieved.
➁ IPT 100 not available for Propane Gas operation at 50 ft. tube system length.
➂ IPT 75 not available for Propane Gas operation at 40 ft. tube section length.
➃ IPT 125 only available for operation at 60 ft. tube section length for 1-Stage units.