Also available from Logan...
For more creative ideas in matting,
pick up a copy of Logan's
"How To Cut Mats" Video by
Vivian C. Kistler, CPF. - Model 237.
L o g a n G r a p h i c P r o d u c t s I n c . , 1 1 0 0 B r o w n S t r e e t , Wa u c o n d a , I L 6 0 0 8 4 To l l F r e e 1 8 0 0 3 3 1 6 2 3 2 w w w. l o g a n g r a p h i c . c o m
Also available are 3 different books on matting and
framing by Vivian C. Kistler, CPF.
Basic Mat Cutting - Model 238-M.
Mat Decoration Book- Model 240-M.
Do It Yourself Picture Framing- Model 241-M.
M AT C U T T E R MODELS 650, 655 & 660
See your local Logan Dealer for availability. Call at 800/331-6232 for
a dealer near you, or please check our 'where to buy' section on
Logan's website
Complete and detailed directions featuring
Logan's picture framing tools system.
Learn inside secrets from professional
framers for creating your own custom
framed art.
Home Picture Framing - Model F245
Add personality to your mats
with the Logan Mat
Decoration Kit - Model 526
Includes decorative supplies &