étape 5 (suite)
Do you want to specify the zones? [y|n]: n
Do you want to specify a name for the VLUN? [y|n]: y
Please enter a name for the VLUN (There is a max length of 10 chars
including a unique ID prefix that will be added automatically): pad
Do you want to create more VLUNs on virtualization engine v1 :
[y|n] n
Do you want to create VLUNs on v2 : [y|n] y
DISK POOLS FOR v2 (free space)
1) t3b10(417GB)
2) teb11(457GB)
3) Return
Select option above:> 2
Note : Creation of each VLUN can take up to 1 minute.
Please enter the number of VLUN(s) that need to be created: 8
Please enter the size of GB for each VLUN (1 GB increments): 2
Do you want to specify the zones? [y|n]: y
1) accts(I00001)
2) csdata(I00001)
3) corp_alt(I00002)
4) finance_alt(I00002)
5) accts_alt(I00002)
6) csdata_alt(I00002)
7) Return
Enter zone numbers from the list above (multiple entries are space
separated):. 1 2 6
INFO: VLUNs will be added to the zone(s) accts, csdata, csdata_alt.
Enter y to continue or n to select zones again. [y|n] y
Do you want to specify a name for the VLUN? [y|n] n
Chapitre 9 Connexion aux serveurs exécutant l'environnement d'exploitation Solaris