Création de plusieurs LUN virtuels (suite)
1) Create VLUNs
2) Remove VLUNs
3) View Virtualization Engine Map
4) Help
5) Return
Select VLUN option above:> 1
Do you want to create VLUNs in a single or multiple diskpools [s|m]
: m
Do you want to create VLUNs on v1 : [y|n] y
DISK POOLS FOR v1 (free space)
1) t3b00(102GB)
2) t3b01(102GB)
3) t3b02(272GB)
4) t3b03(272GB)
5) t3b20(102GB)
6) t3b21(102GB)
7) t3b22(272GB)
8) t3b23(272GB)
9) Return
Select option above:> 4
Note : Creation of each VLUN can take up to 1 minute.
Please enter the number of VLUN(s) that need to be created: 10
Please enter the size in GB for each VLUN (1 GB increments): 1
Guide d'installation des séries Sun StorEdge 3900 et 6900, version 1.1 • octobre 2002