have been added to the mobile application, they will be listed by name, you can select
one to log onto.
A confirmation message might show up for a network charge before connection. The
fee rate will depend on the telecom company and package fee that you go with.
Network connectivity will take some time. It will be affected by networking environment
and bandwidth flow. Live image will show up after a successful connection.
PS. Live images can not be displayed in your mobile when the recoding is set to off on local DVR.
1.2.3 Modify the Login Information of the DVR
You can use "Modify" command to change the login information of the DVR. The
dialogue is identical to that of "Add" command.
1.2.4 Delete the Login Information of the DVR
"Delete" command can be used to remove the DVR information when it is no longer
useful. Select the DVR on the name list, then choose "Delete".