Fourth Order: IF you are using the subwoofer's Left/Right inputs, elect this
option to use a fourth order crossover to adjust the roll off characteristics of
your subwoofer's upper frequencies as they approach the low-pass filter
frequency setting. A fourth order filter has a slope of 24dB per octave – a
faster roll off than a third order.
personal preference. As a rule of thumb, if your low-bass sounds weak,
increase this control. If your low-bass sounds bloated, decrease this control.
If you are using ARC, this control can be used to match your personal
taste by further changing the way the subwoofer sounds.
Phase: This setting allows you to adjust
the timing relationship between your main
speakers and your subwoofer. Allows you to
adjust the phase of the subwoofer from 0 – 180
degrees in increments of 1 degree and allows
you to invert the polarity of the phase. Phase
control is entirely dependent on numerous
factors including the size and configuration of
your listening environment, the placement of
the unit, and seating arrangement. A good rule
of thumb is to set phase at 0 if your sub is at
the front of the room and 180 if it is in the rear.
Deep Bass Level: The Deep Bass Level screen
allows you to adjust subwoofer output from
–10dB to +10dB in the 20-30Hz range. This
control and Anthem Room Correction (ARC
serve similar purposes. Where this control is
limited to the 20-30Hz frequency range, ARC
adjusts your subwoofer's output across its entire
frequency range. If not using ARC, this control can
be used to modify your subwoofer's response
to compensate for the room anomalies or to
modify the subwoofers sound to your personal
taste. The frequencies adjusted are between
20-30Hz – a range where peaks and dips of
different amplitudes often develop in listening
rooms. The ideal setting is dependent on room
size and construction, system configuration, and