Handling and operation
After you have selected a fi le, click on "Save". The selected fi le
will now be displayed in the work space and all documents or
images to be processed can be stored in this fi le.
Importing images from the appliance
Click in the Quick Launch bar on "Open" to take over images
from the appliance into a document fi le. The window "Open"
Here, select whether you want to import an entire fi le (folder)
or a single fi le (image) into a document folder. In addition,
you can also fi lter as to which fi le formats are to searched for.
Click on "OK" and then select the folder or individual fi le that
you wish to import. A new document folder with the imported
images is created.
Click on the document folder with the right mouse button and,
under "rename", assign a descriptive name for the document
The images from your appliance can be found on the
newly recognised removable medium in the directory
SHM 600 A1