The Subnet Mask is a network segment where IP addresses with
identical network addresses are used. The standard value here is
The first three positions of the IP Address must correspond to the
default gateway value. The last position specifies the device acti-
vated through the default gateway (e.g. the recorder), and is defined
individually for each device. For example, enter for
recorder 50. Do not assign an IP address more than once.
MA-4101-002-Bedienungsanleitung-TVVR50000+TVVR60000.indb 27
To determine the value for the Default Gateway, use one of the
computers connected to the network with Windows. Call up "Run"
in the start menu. Enter "cmd" in the new window, then "ipconfig"
in the prompt which follows. Enter the default gateway value in
the recorder screen.
The MAC Address indicates the unique hardware identification
number of the recorder. Further settings can be made on the
Advanced tab. An overview of the settings can be found under
Network Status.
The DNS Server translates an Internet address into an IP ad-
dress. Enter the default gateway value under Preferred DNS
Click Apply. Exit the screen by pressing OK, then click on Next.
Click Apply. Exit the screen by pressing OK, then click on Next.
Click Done. The recorder has now been set up and can now be
used for recording. Further information on the recorder can be
found in the manual.
16.09.2010 11:23:14