EC Declaration of Conformity
Name / Address of issuer:
We herewith declare:
that the following machine complies with the fundamental health and safety requirements of the EC Directives in ter-
ms of its design, construction and version we have brought into circulation.
This warranty loses its validity in case of unauthorised modification of the tool.
Designation of the machine:
Machine Type:
Item number:
Applied EC directives
Machinery Directive:
EC- Electromagnetic Compatibility
Applied harmonised standards
Representative authorised to compile the technical documentation:
STORCH Malerwerkzeuge & Profigeräte GmbH
Platz der Republik 6
D-42107 Wuppertal
Jörg Heinemann
- Managing Director -
Wuppertal, 04-2016
STORCH Malerwerkzeuge & Profigeräte GmbH
Platz der Republik 6
D-42107 Wuppertal
DMS 25 Flow mixer
Flow mixer
64 35 00
2006 / 42 / EG
2014 / 30 / EU
DIN EN 12100-1
DIN EN 12100-2
DIN EN 60204-1
DIN EN ISO 13849
DIN EN ISO 13857
Translation of the original instruction