Maintenance and Cleaning
The RET basic and RET basic C is maintenace-free. It is subject
only to the natural wear and tear of components and their statisti-
cal failure rate.
When ordering spare parts, please give the manufacturing
number shown on the type plate, the machine type and the
name of the spare part.
Please send in equipment for repair only after it has been cleaned
and is free from any materials which may constitute a health
hazard. Use only cleansing agents which have been approved by
IKA to clean IKA devices. To remove use:
Construction materials water containing tenside / isopropyl alcohol
For materials which are not listed, please request information from
IKA. Wear the proper protective gloves during cleaning of the devi-
Electrical devices may not be placed in the cleansing agent for the
purpose of cleaning.
Before using another than the recommended method for cleaning
or decontamination, the user must ascertain with the manufactu-
rer that this method does not destroy the instrument.
Protective conductor:
On the under side of the heating plate are areas (bare metal)
and can be used as a test point for the protective conductor. It
may be necessary to rempve an oxide coating for the subse-
quent tests.
RET BC 1001
isopropyl alcohol
water containing tenside / isopropyl alcohol
water containing tenside
water containing tenside
Associated standards and regulations
Construction in accordance with the foolwing safety standards
EN 61010-1
UL 3101-1
Construction in accordance with the foolwing EMC standards
EN 61326-1+A1
Associated EU guidlines
EMC-guidlines: 89/336/EG
Machine guidelines: 73/23/EG
RS 1
set of stirring bars
H16V support rod
PTFE stirring bar remover H 15 bath top
H 44
cross sleeve
TC 1 Electronic
H 36
holding rod
Recommended IKA-stirres
TRIKA-stirrers PTFE, triangular
lengths 25, 40 and 55 mm
dia 6mm
lengths 10 and 15 mm
dia 8mm
lengths 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mm
EN 61010-2-10
CAN/CSA C22.2 (1010-1)