13. Settings
Room temp.
Press "OK" and set the value using +/-. Press "OK" again to store the
value. The room temperature can also be set on the relevant menu in the
heat pump's system. The most recent setting is the one which is used.
The value is displayed on both units.
Auto, normal and reduced
Normally, the room sensor should be in "Auto" mode, as this controls
the night reduction function of the heat pump. If you want to override
the night- or daytime temperature temporarily, you can do this from the
room sensor.
In "Auto" mode, press + once to move to daytime mode. A sun symbol
indicates that the night reduction function is not activated. Press + once
to move to night-time mode. A moon symbol indicates that the night
reduction function is activated. Press + once again to move to "Auto"
The setting will last for 24 hours. After this, the room sensor returns to
"Auto" mode and the heat pump's night reduction function is activated.
NB: The "Auto" symbol is always displayed together with the sun
or moon symbol. This indicates whether the heat pump is currently
operating at the night- or daytime temperature. Do not confuse this with
the temporary night- or daytime temperature described above.
Room sensor settings
Press "OK" until "C1" appears in the top right-hand corner of the display
(after about 10 seconds). Press "OK" to move to the next menu (settings
are saved automatically). Press +/- to change the setting.
Displays the room sensor's software version
Update interval
Options: 2, 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes
Factory setting: 20 minutes
Maximum temperature variation between updates
If the temperature is higher than the setting for 30 seconds, the system is updated.
Options: 0.1°C, 0.2°C or 0.3°C
Factory setting: 0.3°C
Calibrating the room sensor
The sensor can be calibrated after operating for 24 hours at the same setting. Position a thermometer
1.5 m above the fl oor. Check the temperature after 1 hour.
Adjust the value on the display using +/-.
Set the heat pump's display to connection mode for the current sensor.
"ini" appears on the room sensor display. See also the section "First start", point 5.
As soon as the sensor is connected to the heat pump, its number appears in the top right-hand
corner of the display.
Signal strength
The sensor displays the signal strength. Use this mode to fi nd the best position for the sensor. The
signal strength is displayed as -056 dBm. A good value is greater than -60, for example -56.
CTC Wireless room sensor