Read the safety information completely and carefully.
Lea la información de seguridad completa y atentamente.
Las precauciones y la aplicación de los procedimientos
The precautions and use of the procedures described
The precautions and use of the procedures described
The precautions and use of the procedures described
descritos en este documento tienen como fin el uso del
herein are intended to use the product correctly and
herein are intended to use the product correctly and
herein are intended to use the product correctly and
producto de modo correcto y seguro. Cumpla con las
safely. Comply with the precautions described below to
safely. Comply with the precautions described below to
safely. Comply with the precautions described below to
precauciones descritas a continuación para protegerse a
protect you and others from possible injuries. Relative to
protect you and others from possible injuries. Relative to
protect you and others from possible injuries. Relative to
usted y a otras personas de posibles lesiones. Con relación
their potential danger, the relevant matters are divided
their potential danger, the relevant matters are divided
their potential danger, the relevant matters are divided
al posible peligro, los asuntos relevantes se dividen en
into four parts as defined by ANSI Z535.5
into four parts as defined by ANSI Z535.5
into four parts as defined by ANSI Z535.5
cuatro partes, según lo que define ANSI Z535.5.
• PELIGRO – Indica una situación peligrosa
• DANGER – Indicate[s] a hazardous situa-
• DANGER – Indicate[s] a hazardous situa-
• DANGER – Indicate[s] a hazardous situa-
que, si no se evita, tendrá como resultado la
tion which, if not avoided, will result in death
tion which, if not avoided, will result in death
tion which, if not avoided, will result in death
muerte o una lesión grave.
or serious injury.
or serious injury.
or serious injury.
• WARNING – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation
• WARNING – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation
• WARNING – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation
• ADVERTENCIA – Indica una situación
peligrosa que, si no se evita, podría tener
which, if not avoided, could result in death or
which, if not avoided, could result in death or
which, if not avoided, could result in death or
como resultado la muerte o una lesión grave.
serious injury.
serious injury.
serious injury.
• CAUTION – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation
• CAUTION – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation
• CAUTION – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation
• PRECAUCIÓN – Indica una situación
which, if not avoided, could result in minor
which, if not avoided, could result in minor
which, if not avoided, could result in minor
peligrosa que, si no se evita, podría tener
or moderate injury.
or moderate injury.
or moderate injury.
como resultado una lesión leve o moderada.
• AVISO – No se relaciona con lesiones personales –
• NOTICE – Not related to personal injury – Indicates[s]
• NOTICE – Not related to personal injury – Indicates[s]
• NOTICE – Not related to personal injury – Indicates[s]
Indica situaciones que, si no se evitan, podrían tener
situations, which if not avoided, could result in damage
situations, which if not avoided, could result in damage
situations, which if not avoided, could result in damage
como resultado daños en el equipo.
to equipment.
to equipment.
to equipment.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cuestiones ambientales
Environmental Concerns
Environmental Concerns
Environmental Concerns
Hussmann recomienda el manejo responsable de los
Hussmann recommends responsible handling of refrige-
Hussmann recommends responsible handling of refrige-
Hussmann recommends responsible handling of refrige-
refrigerantes que contienen cloro, flúor y carbono (CFC)
rants that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs)
rants that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs)
rants that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs)
y los que contienen hidrógeno, cloro, flúor y carbono
and those that contain Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine, and
and those that contain Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine, and
and those that contain Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine, and
(HCFC). Solo los técnicos calificados pueden manipular
Carbon (HCFCs). Only certified technicians may handle
Carbon (HCFCs). Only certified technicians may handle
Carbon (HCFCs). Only certified technicians may handle
estos refrigerantes. Todos los técnicos deben conocer
y cumplir con los requisitos establecidos por la Ley
these refrigerants. All technicians must be aware and
these refrigerants. All technicians must be aware and
these refrigerants. All technicians must be aware and
Federal de Aire Limpio (Sección 608) para cualquier
follow the requirements set forth by the Federal Clean Air
follow the requirements set forth by the Federal Clean Air
follow the requirements set forth by the Federal Clean Air
procedimiento de servicio que se lleve a cabo en este
Act (Section 608) for any service procedure being perfor-
Act (Section 608) for any service procedure being perfor-
Act (Section 608) for any service procedure being perfor-
equipo y que implique un refrigerante. Además, algunos
med on this equipment that involves refrigerant. Additio-
med on this equipment that involves refrigerant. Additio-
med on this equipment that involves refrigerant. Additio-
estados tienen otros requisitos que se deben cumplir
nally, some states have other requirements that must be
nally, some states have other requirements that must be
nally, some states have other requirements that must be
para la gestión responsable de refrigerantes.
adhered to for responsible management of refrigerants.
adhered to for responsible management of refrigerants.
adhered to for responsible management of refrigerants.
Solo el personal calificado debe instalar y hacer el
Only qualified personnel should install and service
Only qualified personnel should install and service
Only qualified personnel should install and service
mantenimiento de este equipo. Se requiere el uso de
this equipment. Personal Protection Equipment
this equipment. Personal Protection Equipment
this equipment. Personal Protection Equipment
equipo de protección personal (EPP) siempre que dé
(PPE) is required whenever servicing this equipment.
(PPE) is required whenever servicing this equipment.
(PPE) is required whenever servicing this equipment.
servicio a este equipo. Siempre que trabaje con este
Wear safety glasses, gloves, protective boots
Wear safety glasses, gloves, protective boots
Wear safety glasses, gloves, protective boots
equipo, use gafas de seguridad, guantes, botas o
zapatos de protección, pantalones largos y camisa de
or shoes, long pants, and a long-sleeve shirt as
or shoes, long pants, and a long-sleeve shirt as
or shoes, long pants, and a long-sleeve shirt as
manga larga. Cumpla con todas las precauciones de las
required when working with this equipment. Ob-
required when working with this equipment. Ob-
required when working with this equipment. Ob-
etiquetas, adhesivos, rótulos y documentos incluidos en
serve all precautions on tags, stickers, labels and
serve all precautions on tags, stickers, labels and
serve all precautions on tags, stickers, labels and
este equipo.
literature attached to this equipment.
literature attached to this equipment.
literature attached to this equipment.
Los contratistas deben cumplir rigurosamente con las
Contractors shall strictly adhere to specifications
Contractors shall strictly adhere to specifications
Contractors shall strictly adhere to specifications
especificaciones provistas por el ingeniero responsable
provided by the Engineer of Record (EOR), as
provided by the Engineer of Record (EOR), as
provided by the Engineer of Record (EOR), as
well as US Environmental Protection Agency reg-
well as US Environmental Protection Agency reg-
well as US Environmental Protection Agency reg-
(Engineer of Record, EOR), así como con los
ulations, OSHA regulations, and all other federal,
ulations, OSHA regulations, and all other federal,
ulations, OSHA regulations, and all other federal,
reglamentos de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de
state and local codes. This work should only be
state and local codes. This work should only be
state and local codes. This work should only be
Estados Unidos, los reglamentos de la OSHA y otros
done by qualified, licensed contractors. There are
done by qualified, licensed contractors. There are
done by qualified, licensed contractors. There are
códigos federales, estatales y locales. Este trabajo
numerous hazards, not limited to, but including:
numerous hazards, not limited to, but including:
numerous hazards, not limited to, but including:
solo deben llevarlo a cabo contratistas calificados y
burns due to high temperatures, high pressures,
burns due to high temperatures, high pressures,
burns due to high temperatures, high pressures,
autorizados. Existen diversos riesgos, entre los que se
toxic substances, electrical arcs and shocks,
toxic substances, electrical arcs and shocks,
toxic substances, electrical arcs and shocks,
incluyen: quemaduras debido a temperaturas elevadas,
very heavy equipment with specific lift points and
very heavy equipment with specific lift points and
very heavy equipment with specific lift points and
presiones elevadas, sustancias tóxicas, arcos y
structural constraints, food and product damage or
structural constraints, food and product damage or
structural constraints, food and product damage or
descargas eléctricas, equipos muy pesados con puntos
contamination, public safety, noise, and possible
contamination, public safety, noise, and possible
contamination, public safety, noise, and possible
de izaje específicos y restricciones estructurales, daños
environmental damage. Never leave operating
environmental damage. Never leave operating
environmental damage. Never leave operating
o contaminación de alimentos y productos, seguridad
compressors unattended during the manual soft-
compressors unattended during the manual soft-
compressors unattended during the manual soft-
pública, ruido y posibles daños ambientales. Nunca deje
start process. Always power rocker switches off
start process. Always power rocker switches off
start process. Always power rocker switches off
compresores en funcionamiento desatendidos durante
when unattended.
when unattended.
when unattended.
el proceso de arranque suave. Apague siempre los
interruptores oscilantes cuando los compresores estén