Electromagnetic signals
Passive signals
Metallic services
Depth measurement
Wireless communica-
Easy to use
How the DIGICAT Functions
How the DIGICAT Functions
The DIGICAT locator detects the electromagnetic field, which is emitted by electrical currents
passing through metallic underground services. The DIGICAT converts the electromagnetic
field into an electrical signal, which then informs the user of the results of the detection via
the display panel.
Different types of underground services emit different types of signals. Some signals are
already present on the service and can be readily detected by the DIGICAT. We call these
passive signals. Power distribution systems and radio transmitters.
Some metallic underground services do not emit signals. These services may be traced by
applying a signal to the service using a DIGITEX.
Depth measurement is only available with DIGICAT 200!
Data can be wirelessly transferred from the DIGICAT using an integrated radio communca-
tion device. This feature is only available with DIGICAT 200GIS!
The DIGICAT has been designed to be very user friendly.
It is simple to use in many tracing situations without requiring highly trained operators.
Although the DIGICAT is a powerful tool, it is vital to obtain diagrams, drawings and other
information about the area to be traced.
DIGICAT 100/200