Condensate formation can occur in high efficiency
direct vent appliances. Without proper drainage,
condensate will damage the heat exchanger.
To prevent condensate damage, follow these
Do not connect the condensate drain pipe directly
to the rain sewer.
Do not connect the condensate drain line with an
air conditioning evaporator coil drain.
Use only venting that is approved and identified as
acceptable for your particular model.
Slope the venting toward the appliance according
to the vent manufacturer's installation
All condensate must drain and be disposed of
according to local codes.
Use only corrosion resistant materials for the
condensate drain lines such as PVC pipe or plastic
The condensate drain pipe (along its entire length)
must be at least the same diameter as the drain
line, (1/2 inch NPT).
The end of the condensate drain pipe should be
open to the atmosphere. The end should not be
under water or other substances.
To minimize freezing of the condensate, run the
condensate drain line through an interior wall or
between insulation and an interior wall.
Water heaters have an integrated condensate
Regions of cold climate will create more
condensate in the vent system. The condensate
collector should be used in cold climates.
The condensate drain pipe should be as short as
possible and have a downward pitch.
If the condensate drain gets blocked, a diagnostic
code will display on the controller. If this occurs,
the condensate drain must be cleaned.
The condensate trap will automatically prime (self-
prime) during operation of the unit as condensate
forms. Condensate draining from the unit
indicates that the trap is full and that there is no
blockage in the condensate drain. It is not
necessary to add water to the condensate trap.
A condensate neutralizer kit, 804000074, is
available from Rinnai. The kit allows condensate
to flow through neutralizing media that raises the
pH of the condensate to a level that will help
prevent corrosion of the drain and public sewer
Checklist for Venting and
Condensate (indoor models only)
Verify proper clearances around the vents and air
Ensure you have used the correct venting
products for the model installed and that you
have completely followed the venting
manufacturer's installation instructions and these
installation instructions.
Verify that the vent system does not exceed the
maximum length for the number of elbows used.
Support horizontal vent runs every four feet and
all vertical vent runs every six feet or in
accordance with local codes, beginning as close as
possible to the water heater to ensure no
movement and that the weight of the vent is
independently supported.
KBP Series Manual