Low heat generated with knob
in "HIGH" position
Check for proper burner flame characteristics. Burner flames should be blue and stable with no yellow
tips, excessive noise, or lifting as shown in Fig. 24. The following steps should be followed for correcting
the flame characteristics:
1. Turn the control knobs and Liquid Propane Cylinder valves "OFF."
2. Allow the grill and burners to cool.
3. If the flame is yellow (not enough air), turn the adjustment screw found at the front of the burner
4. If the flame is noisy or lifts away from the burner (too much air), turn the adjustment screw
If these adjustments do not correct the problem, contact customer service at 1-866-206-0888
Fig. 24
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Possible Solutions
1. Make certain the problem is isolated to only one burner. If it
appears so, clean the orifice and burner, clearing ports of any
2. Check for a bent or kinked fuel hose.
3. Make sure the air shutter is properly adjusted.
4. Check for proper gas supply and pressure.
5. Pre-heat the grill for a full 15 minutes.
6. Check if LP gas tank is empty.