Feligan is in no way responsible for any indirect, special, incidental or secondary damages due to use
of the device and for damages resultng from loss of data, proft, gain, income of the user, for strict
liability or under any other legal principle. The responsibility for Feligan will never in any case exceed
the amount that you paid for the device Feligan. If any legislaton in force does not allow the
exclusion or limitaton of incidental, indirect or similar damages, previous limitatons on such
damages are not applicable.
If your Feligan charger is defectve, please contact customer service at Feligan
Feligan Srl – Viale Monte San Michele , 4 – 42121 Reggio Emilia, or via our website:www.feligan.com
If, afer receiving the Feligan device and running the functon test, Feligan establishes that the defect
is covered under limited warranty, repairs are made or a functoning Feligan device will be sent in
replacement. If the defect is not covered under limited warranty, you will be informed of the reason
and will be sent an estmate of repairing costs. If Customer authorizes to repair the device, the work
will be executed promptly and a repaired or replaced Feligan device will be sent to the Customer.
Customer will be charged the cost of testng and repairs not covered by limited warranty and the
shipping costs .
This warranty is additonal and not in lieu of all other rights enjoyed by the purchaser of the product
required by law. In partcular, this guarantee does not afect the rights owned by the buyer that
covers the status of the consumer under the Decree. 06.09.2005 No. 206 (formerly Decree.
02/02/2002 No. 24 that in Italy has implemented Directve 1999/44/EC) defned consumer code.
Feligan Srl
– Viale Monte San Michele , 4 –
42121 Reggio Emilia
Tel +39 0522 272728 - Fax +39 0522 272728
www.feligan.com - info@feligan.com
Revision 4 – November 2013