Roger Earpiece settings - ENG
Use this function to configure the following Roger
Earpiece data:
Name (for easy naming and identification of
individual earpieces)
EasyGain (adjust volume level individually)
Ensure only one Roger Earpiece is located within
10 cm / 4 inches of Roger Touchscreen Mic.
Select Settings > Roger receiver settings
Select Name to change the Roger Earpiece's name
Select EasyGain level to change the Roger Earpiece's volume
The EasyGain value will only act on a Roger Earpiece which is within
the 10 cm / 4 inch Roger Touchscreen Mic range. Depending on
the volume setting of the Roger BaseStation, the EasyGain setting
may have no effect. Please see the Roger Touchscreen Mic full user-
guide for further information.
To change another Roger Earpiece's Name or EasyGain settings, return
to the settings menu and select Settings > Roger receiver settings
when the new Roger Earpiece is within 10 cm / 4 inches of the Roger
Touchscreen Mic.
Read Roger Earpiece info
Ensure only one Roger Earpiece is located within
10 cm / 4 inches of Roger Touchscreen Mic
Select Check icon
Following parameters can be read:
Name / Device type / Firmware version