Safety Instructions
To avoid injury, make sure that the patient is
not left unattended at any time.
To avoid injury, only use the Toilet sling on
patients with upper body strength. Lack of
upper body strength can cause the patient
to slide out.
To avoid falling, make sure that the user
weight is lower than the safe working load
for all products or accessories being used.
To avoid injury, only store the equipment for
a short period of time. If stored longer than
stated in the IFU, it can cause weakness
and breakage in the material.
To avoid injury, always assess the patient
prior to use.
To avoid injury, never let the patient smoke
when using the sling. The sling can catch
To avoid injury, keep the equipment away
from sun/UV-light. Exposure to sun/UV-light
can weaken the material.
Safety Practises
At any time, if the patient becomes agitated, stop
transferring/transporting and safely lower the
Patient with spasm can be lifted, but great care
Serious incident
If a serious incident occurs in relation to this medical
or patient should report the serious incident to the
the European Union, the user should also report the