The mounting and wiring instructions
The contents of the following
mounting and wiring instructions
are subject to technical modifica-
tions as a result of the continuous
development of Schmersal prod-
ucts and services.
Schmersal is not responsible for
any typographical faults or other
inaccuracies except those known
and not corrected by Schmersal.
In addition to the instructions
given in this mounting and wiring
instructions, it is important to con-
sider the valid national and inter-
national standards and regula-
Montage und Anschlussanleitung siehe Seite 1.
Instructions de montage et de câblage voir page 25.
Liability exclusion in case of in-
appropriate use
Schmersal is not liable for dam-
ages caused by the improper use
of the equipment.
The accurate knowledge of the
contents of this mounting and
wiring instruction is fundamental
for appropriate use. In particular,
the contained remarks and safety
remarks must be considered.
In the event the product is used in
combination with other compo-
nents such as controls, PLC's or
sensors, the instruction mounting
and wiring instructions for those
components must also be con-