21 BedIenunGsAnLeITunG / oPeRATInG InsTRuCTIon / MAnuAL
Easy Access (EA)
The Linearlifts are made up the following assemblies:
hoisting gear
lifting platform
hydraulic device
electrical device
Changeable devices
14.1 Function
Linearlift Easy Access (EA)
The Linearlift Easy Access (EA) exists of two lifting arms and one standard lifting platform. The operati-
on ensue by a hand switch for the functions „up", „down", „in", „out" as well as „stow position".
Linearlift Easy Access with split-platform (EASP)
The Linearlift with split-platform exists of two lifting arms and one lifting platform, which will flap in and
out during fold-in and fold-out operation. In neutral position in the vehicle this lifting platform needs
space as like as a standard platform, but the viewing out will be free. The operation ensue by a hand
switch for the functions „up", „down", „in", „out" as well as „stow position".
Linearlift Easy Access with telescopic-platform (EATP)
The Linearlift with telescopic-platform exists of two lifting arms and one lifting platform, which will make
a telescopic move during fold-in and fold-out operation. In neutral position in the vehicle this lifting
platform needs not so much space as a standard platform, but in folded-out position there is the same
space on the platform. The operation ensue by a hand switch for the functions „up", „down", „in", „out"
as well as „stow position".
The hydraulic aggregate is located inside of the vehicle. It is optimal covered against dirt, water and
weather conditions.
The bearings are maintenancefree and need no grease. The drive ensue electrohydraulical with 12V
main voltage.
AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG I Hauptstraße 101 I 26689 Apen
Telefon +49 (0) 44 89 / 72 72 -22 I Fax +49 (0) 44 89 / 62 45
Easy Access Teleskop-Platform