20 BedIenunGsAnLeITunG / oPeRATInG InsTRuCTIon / MAnuAL
Proper use
The lift must only be used to lift and lower disabled persons into a vehicle as specified in the technical
Any other use is regarded as improper. The manufactuer / supplier is not liable for any damage resul-
ting from such improper use. The user alone bears the risk.
Proper use of the lift involves observing and following the operating instructions and honouring the in-
spections- and maintenance conditions.
The lift has been built state-of-the art and in accordance with the recognised regulations concerning
safety. However, the use of the lift involves an element of danger to life and limb for the user or a third
party; or impaiment of the lift functioning or damage to other property.
The lift may only be used in proper working in accordance with the safety regulations and in full awar-
ness of the danger involved. The operation instructions must be precisely followed. Especially faults
which impair the safety have to repaired as soon as possible.
The user must take sure, that
Only trained staff or staff under instruction may work with the lift.
The lift is only operated in proper working order.
Staff instructed to work with the lift must have read these operating instructions and especially the
chapter on working before starting work.
Before trial run, any safety devices which have to be removed during maintenance or repair work
are replaced.
It is not allowed to carry out any alterations or changes on the lift for reasons of safety, without the
manufacturer permission.
The operator may only start up the lift if his is certain that no person / no pet is standing in the
danger area.
In the case of any changes in the operation behaviour which could impair safety the lift must be
stopped and remove the motive.
Switch off the lift before maintenance or repair work and make sure that no one can switch on the
lift during this works.
After maintenance or repair work make sure that all safety devices replaced before start the ope-
Follow the rules of traffic during the operation in the street.
AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG I Hauptstraße 101 I 26689 Apen
Telefon +49 (0) 44 89 / 72 72 -22 I Fax +49 (0) 44 89 / 62 45