Troubleshooting Guide
If you have any problems with setup or programming that cannot be fixed by the Troubleshooting Guide,
please see page 23 and call the appropriate Horizon Product Support office.
Aircraft will not "throttle up" but all
other controls seem to function
Propeller or motor shaft is broken
Aircraft appears to show significant
decrease in flight time
Charger light stays on after Li-Po
battery is disconnected, or remains
on for longer than 40 minutes when
Aircraft appears to have less power
LED on aircraft remains flashing and
cannot be controlled by transmitter
LED on aircraft will not illuminate
Aircraft appears to roll, yaw and pitch
towards a certain direction
Controls appear to be reversed after
binding to a different transmitter
Aircraft does not function after
connecting flight battery and the
aircraft smells burnt
Possible Solutions
Lower throttle trim and/or throttle stick to their lowest settings
Reverse throttle channel on specific transmitter if applicable
Replace with Prop with Spinner (PKZ3302) or Prop Shaft
Recharge flight battery completely
Replace AA batteries in charger or use AC to 6V DC Adapter and
recharge flight battery completely
Replace PKZ3001 battery and read the "Battery Warnings and
Guidelines" section of manual
Replace AA batteries in charger
Lubricate the bushings of the gearbox
Lubricate the bushings of the motor
In cold weather, prior to flight, make sure the flight batteries
are warm
Use a larger capacity battery (unless it will not physically fit
without modification)
Unplug and reconnect flight battery
Move transmitter (powered on) a few feet from the aircraft prior
to reconnecting the flight battery
Move transmitter and aircraft away from large metal objects
when binding/linking
Rebind the aircraft to the desired compatible transmitter
Replace with Main Wing with Lights (PKZU1120)
Trim control surfaces using the transmitter until the aircraft no
longer moves that direction
Read the "Control Test" section of manual
Replace the PKZUA1152 receiver board and check for correct
polarity when connecting the flight battery