Move the rudder stick left and right to check yaw control. When the stick is pushed to the right, the rudder
should also move right.
Note: On 3-channel aircraft, like the Vapor, the rudder is controlled by the stick usually used by the
ailerons on 4-channel aircraft.
With the rudder stick pushed to the left, the rudder should move left.
If at any time during the test the controls respond in the opposite direction of operation of the flight controls,
follow your transmitter's instructions to reverse the flight controls.
Once you've confirmed the flight control directions, all controls should be functioning properly. However, if
you continue to encounter problems with your Night Vapor responding properly to the transmitter, do not fly.
Digital Trims
The ParkZone 4-channel 2.4GHz DSM2/DSMX transmitter features digital trim buttons on all controls to
make fine adjustments. Center the control surfaces using the trims. If there is not enough electronic trim
available, it may be necessary to adjust the loops in the control linkages to center the surfaces.
Reversing the Flight Controls
The transmitter included with the Night Vapor is the same transmitter included in the PKZ Ember 2, Vapor,
and Ultra Micro RTF versions. It also functions identically to the transmitter included with the E-flite mCX
and mSR (MLP4DSM).
Attention: For reversing with other transmitters, please refer to that transmitter's
instruction manual.
Should the Night Vapor's electronic components be used in another aircraft, you may find it necessary to
reverse the operation of flight control surfaces.
Reversing the rudder and elevator operation can be accomplished by following the steps below.
1. Be certain the battery is unplugged from the aircraft and the transmitter turned off.
2. Push down on the digital trim button for the surface you would like to reverse.
a. Top elevator trim button—elevator normal
b. Bottom elevator trim button—elevator reverse
c. Left rudder trim button—rudder normal