3. Screw in the bolts to the body.
4. Place a rod in the socket to stop a chimney sweeper ball.
Attention! Our inserts are prepared for connection
of the smoke pipe on the outside of the flue collar
Assembling Front Heat Shield FIG 7
1. Assemble the front cover by bending its sides as
shown in the drawings FIG 7A & FIG 7B.
2. Position the radiation shield cover as shown.
Take care that the slots at the end of cover match
the hooks of the rear cover - see FIG 7C
Multipurpose key
The insert is equipped with a handle, which is intended
for operating air vents, opening and closing doors etc.-
see FIG 8-FIG 8C.
Operational control
When the insert is in upright position, and prior to moun-
ting the surround, check that all functions
are easy to maneuver and appear satisfactory.
See also FIG 8b & FIG 8c.
A. Ignition vent control
Pushed in = closed
Pull out = open
Removing the self-closing door mechanism FIG 9
In order to deactivate - follow instructions below:
- open the door,
- lock the spring by fastening the screw - FIG 9A,
- lift the door up and unfasten the screw – FIG 9B,
when a noise could be heard the self-closing door
is deactivated,
- lower the door back to its place.
Painting the surround
It is recommended to use the insert a few times in order
to let the varnish harden before any eventual masking
and painting. Only use water based breathing paint and
a designated masking tape. Carefully remove the tape
in order not to damage the varnish.
B. Air vent control
Left position = closed
Right position = open
5. Lighting a fire for the first time
When the insert is assembled and all instructions have
been observed, a fire can be lit.
Take care when inserting logs into the burn chamber, in
order not to damage the Thermotte plates.
This will be resolved once the humidity has evaporated.
If needed leave the door slightly open the first 2-3 times
the insert is used.
It is advisable to ventilate the room well when using
for the first time as the varnish on the product may
release some smoke or smell. Both the smoke and
smell will disappear and are not hazardous.
In order to avoid injuries, please be aware that the
surfaface may become hot during operation and
extra care need to be taken to avoid skin burn.
Kindling wood
Finely chopped (diameter of 3-5cm)
Length: 25-30cm
Ca. amount pr lighting : 2,1 kg (beech)
Place the air vent control in ignition (FIG A) (Pull out).
Insert small, dry pieces of wood, ignite and ensure the
flames have taken proper hold of the wood. When the
flames are stable and the chimney is warm, push in the
air control out of the ignition mode and regulate the fire
When there is a glowing layer of ash, new wood logs
can be inserted. Pull the hot ember to the sides of the
combustion chamber when inserting new logs so that
the wood is ignited from the bottom. Insert 2 logs. One
positioned diagonally to the bottom with left end closer
to left front side of window pane. The second leaned
against first one also diagonally in opposite direction.
Set the air vent on 45% air valve opening. The fire
should burn with bright and lively flames.
Reload size
Chopped wood - 2 logs (diametre of 6-9cm)
Length: 25-30cm
Normal load size. 1,46 kg /h
(Max load size: 2,5 kg/h)
Using the insert with low combustion effect and firing
around the clock increase pollution as well as the risk
for a fire in the chimney. Never allow the insert or flue to
become glowing red. Turn off the air vent control should
this happen. Regulation of the air vent control takes
some experience, but after a little while a natural rhythm
for the fire will be found.
Never leave the air control in ignition mode for pro-
longed periods as this may lead to overheating.