In accordance with the Danish Sale of Goods Act, you have a two-year right of complaint from the date of
purchase of the wood burning stove. The dated receipt will be sufficient proof. The right of complaint does
not cover damages caused by faulty installation and use of the stove. The right of complaint also does not
cover loose and wearing parts (fireproof tiles, glass, gaskets, slides, cast iron gate, and handles) as they are
subject to wear during normal use. These parts can be bought as spare parts in our webshop
In addition, the right of complaint does not cover:
Damages resulting from incorrect installation and use of the stove, e.g. overheating and wrong or
missing maintenance of the stove.
Damages caused by electrical surcharge, (condensation) water in and around the chimney, too
much or too little draft in the chimney and missing maintenance/cleaning.
Mounting or demounting relating to repairs.
Transportation costs relating to repairs.
Damages to the stove caused by external influences or damages caused by the stove on other
7. Right of complaint