Film Reel Insertion; Packaging; Operating Problems And Their Solutions - Minipack-Torre Ministretch Mode D'emploi

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  • FR

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Chapter 3. Machine adjustment and setting up

3.2. Film reel insertion

Position the reel of film (10) centrally on rollers (11) at a distance of about 5mm from the reel centering rings (12)
(figure 3.2.A page 48)
Insert the film as shown on the adhesive label on the machine. Detach roller (13) to insert the film (figure 3.2.B page
After having inserted the film, lower down the head to feed the film automatically (figure 3.2.C page 48)
Straighten the film by cutting it about 10 cm far from roller (13) (figure 3.2.D page 48)
Let the film adhere to the two dragging belts (14) (figure 3.2.E page 48)
Lower down the head once again to drag the film up to the length required to package the parcel (figure 3.2.F page
Film front length regulation:
To adjust the front length of the film, move the cutting wire forward (on the operator's side) to pack large trays or
backward (on the plate side) to pack small trays.
There is a sticker on the machine showing the position of the wire according to the operating program number (P1), (P2),
(P3) (figure 3.2.G page 49).

3.3. Packaging

Don't touch the sealing plate (28)!
Danger of burns (figure 3.3.A page 49).
Position the tray on the sealing plate (28) centering it with the two arrows positioned on the support plate (15). Push
the tray against the support plate (15) (figure 3.3.A page 49).
Lower the mobile head (figure 3.3.B page 49).
During the packaging phase, the head will remain connected.
The mobile head automatically rises when the packaging phase is complete.
Before removing the packaged tray, press manually the tray for a few seconds, in order to carry out the film sealing
(figure 3.3.C page 49).

3.4. Operating problems and their solutions

Trays are deformed or break:
The film is not taut:
The film is hard to pull:
The film is not cut:
The packaging size is incorrect.
The preset value of variables associated with programs, relevant to the 3 sizes
is wrong.
The trays are not stiff enough to allow packaging.
Switch off the film tensioning frame (see FUNCTION: "Switching the frame
ON/OFF" on page 14).
Adjust the front length of the film, by moving the cutting blade further forward
or back.
Change the program number (P1, P2, P3) or if necessary change the value of
the "Film length (L)" variable.
Check that the packaging size is correct. Select the correct tray program (see
PHASE 2 Chapter 3.1.).
Check that the film path is correct and in particular the reel unwinding direction.
Check that the two reel centring rings are not in contact with the reel (approx.
5mm clearance required on each side).
Clean or substitute the cutting wire.
Check that the cutting wire temperature is correct.


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