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Fill the tank to the level indicated on the sticker on the side of the tank.
The maximum level to fi l l t he tank is Level 19.
Remplissez le rÈservoir jusquí au niveau indiquÈ sur lí autocollant situÈ sur le
cÙ tÈ du rÈservoir.
Ne remplissez pas au≠ del‡ de la marque ´ 19 ª .
Make note of the serial number. This number can be found on the back of the
monitor and is required when contacting WaterRower for customer support.
Notez le numÈro de sÈrie. Ce numÈro se trouve sur lí arriË re du moniteur, et
est nÈcessaire lors de la prise de contact avec WaterRower pour le soutien ‡ la
clientË le.
Private and Commercial Use ≠ WaterRower will replace or repair at its factory or
nominated service facility any WaterRower or WaterRower component found to be
defective in material or workmanship for a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date of
initial shipment by WaterRower. The warranty is upgradeable to THREE (3) YEARS
on all components and FIVE (5) YEARS on all wooden elements by registering your
WaterRower within the fi rst year of purchase.
This warranty will be invalid if, in the opinion of WaterRower, the claim has been
caused by: (a) accident, abuse, misuse, misapplication or as a result of any
modifi cation other than by WaterRower, (b) deterioration due to normal wear and tear,
(c) c) i
oper preventative maintenance steps as described in the WaterRower Ownerí s
The warranty will be voided if, in the opinion of WaterRower, the claim is found to
be a result of: (a) improper assembly of the product, (b) usage beyond the design of
the product, (c) overfi lling of the tank as advised in the Assembly Manuals, (d) use of
alternative purifi cation option in tank beyond approved WaterRower product, (e) use
of improper cleaning materials as described in the preventative maintenance steps,
(f) f) use and/o
torage of product in inclement weather, including but not limited, to
extreme temperatures and moisture.
This warranty is not transferable. WaterRower (US) Inc. shall not be liable for any
direct, consequential, incidental indirect or special damages under this warranty, or
any implied warranty.
Return of the WaterRower or WaterRower component to WaterRowerí s factory or
nominated service centre will be the responsibility of the claimant. The WaterRower
or component should be packed to protect it from damage; WaterRower will not be
responsible for any damage which may occur during shipment. Postage should be
prepaid and the package should contain the claimantí s name, address and telephone
number, a description of the problem and proof of purchase.
WaterRower will return the WaterRower or WaterRower component to the claimant at
its (WaterRowerí s) expense except in the case where the warranty has been deemed
void or invalid. In the event that the warranty is found to have been void or invalid, then
the costs of such investigation, repair and any associated shipping costs shall be borne
by the claimant.
WaterRower will ground / economy ship all replacement warranty parts. Charges
will apply for all alternative shipping methods. Product shipped outside of its initial
purchase country may be subject to additional warranty cost and shipping charges.
WaterRower warrants against any defective WaterRower spare part received from
WaterRower or any authorized dealer for a period of NINETY (90) DAYS after the date
of shipment.
The warranty described above shall be in lieu of any other warranty, express or
implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fi tness
for a particular purpose. The term of this warranty does not affect or prejudice the
statutory rights of a consumer, neither does it limit or exclude any liability for death or
personal injury caused by WaterRowerí s negligence.
Additional information on parts, assembly, preventative maintenance and manuals, as
referred to within this warranty document, can be found at:
Please consult your local WaterRower offi ce or local distributor for specifi c warranty details.