From a safety point of view, please check the general condition of the clamp at least once a month,
according to the guidelines of Chapter 7 - Disassembling/Assembling.
Stop using the beam lifting clamp if:
- The body is split or deformed, particularly in the corners of the jaws,
- The lifting shackle is visibly deformed,
- The cam and/or pivot teeth are no longer sharp,
- The spring has become stretched or broken,
- The lever locking mechanism has become inefficient or has ceased to work,
- The shackle pins have been visibly deformed,
- Any retaining pins are missing,
- The side of the lifting shackle is pressed in at the spacer pins.
Depending on the defects noted:
- dismantle and clean the beam lifting clamp (see Chapter 7 – Disassembly/Assembly) or have the clamp
overhauled by REMA Holland BV or by a recognized mechanical repair centre (see Chapter 8 - Overhauling).
The safety beam lifting clamp can be easily disassembled for cleaning and inspection purposes.
Please make use of the following sequence:
- Open the clamp to its full extent.
- Remove the tension spring (13); in case of the type 1,5 CBK, first remove the retaining pin (11) in the cam
assembly (4).
- Remove the retaining pin and the cam pin (8).
- Remove the lifting shackle (3) and the cam assembly.
- Remove the shackle pin (2).
- Dismantle the lever (5) by removing the retaining pin and take the lock assembly (7) out of the clamp.
- Remove the pivots (6) using a socket and ring spanner.
- Clean all parts with a standard degreasant.
- Grease all shackle pins with a bearing grease.
- Oil the spring if necessary.
- Assemble all the parts in reverse sequence.
- Always insert new and original retaining pins and do so with the aid of a hammer, combination pliers and
pin punch.
- Always fit new pivot bolts and nuts.
- When replacing parts always make sure to use original REMA components.
- Remove any burr with a file.
At least once a year or in case of any damage to the CBK safety beam lifting clamp, the clamp should be
inspected, tested and if necessary overhauled by REMA Holland BV or by a recognised mechanical repair
Once it has reached the end of its useful life the CBK safety beam lifting clamp can be treated as scrap iron,
provided that the clamp is rendered unfit for further use.