Page 2
Liste de c nt ôle u gaz et lect icit ....20 A IS : Giant a tage a f is des inf ns de c ntact de clients avec des ent e ises u il es uv i f u ni des duits u se vices ui euvent v us t e u les.
Page 3
A tudes et pra ques de sécurité pour consommateur et installateur AVERTISSEMENT • N u lisez ue v t e ain uye su le ut n de • Avant la ise en œuv e eni ez t ut aut u de la z ne de l a a eil u d tecte une deu de gaz.
nstruc ons d installa on ualifica ons de l installateur nstruc ons générales C est un installateu fessi nnel ag ui d it installe À ÉV TER a eil l ins ecte et teste des fuites ventuelles avant • N installez as l a a eil à...
Page 5
répara on pour l installa on • L a a eil dev a t e is l du systè e de c nduite Pièces incluses d ali enta n en gaz en fe ant sa vanne de c u u e anuelle d ali enta n du ant t ut test de essi n de...
Page 6
Détermina on d emplacement de l installa on us devez assu e ue t us les ca te ents se nt Envi nne ent es ect s et ue la l ngueu de ven la n se a dans les L ai ent u ant le chauffe-eau la ven la n et la/les li ites e uises.
Page 7
Éca te ents de te inais n de ven la us devez installe une te inais n de ven la u as i e de l ai de c n et elâche les gaz d cha e ent. TE MINAISON TERMINATION INSIDE ÉTAIL...
Page 8
Éca te ent addi nnels C nt ôlez si des gle enta ns l cales s nt lus exigeantes ue 60" ces valeu s d ca te ents. (1 52 ) • Évitez de nne des te inais ns ès d'une ve cale ent ven la n de s cheuse.
Page 9
Éca te ents du chauffe-eau e s le haut to top e s le côt to side e s l'avant to front e s le s l to ground/bottom ar rapport à des ar rapport à des combus bles en non-combus bles pouces mm en pouces mm...
Page 10
P tec n c nt e le gel L ngueu axi ale de ven la Assu ez-v us ue a te s t ès f id le chauffe-eau et ses Longueur maximale de en la on concentrique c nduites d'eau s nt t g es vite le gel.
Page 11
Montage mural Liste de contr le pour choisir l emplacement de l installa on □ Liste de c nt ôle u ch isi l e lace ent de l installa □ Le chauffe-eau n est as ex s à des c sifs dans l ai .
Page 12
• uat e ieds (120 c ) et t us les t nç ns ve ticaux t us les n Giant n est as es nsa le des c ts u des six ieds (180 c ) u en c nf it avec les n es l cales.
Installa n de c nduit de ven la Installez la te inais n de ven la n en f nc n des sch as et des inst uc ns ui suivent. nstalla on horizontale sans u liser de collecteur de condensat AVERTISSEMENT * Le c llecteu de c ndensat d it t e u lis les te...
Page 14
Condensat NFORMAT ON La f n de c ndensat eut a ive dans les a a eils à ven la n di ecte t ès efficaces. Sans un d ainage c • Un iège à c ndensat est dis ni le s us le N° de ièce le c ndensat end age a l changeu the i ue.
Giant ec ande f te ent l installa n de vannes • Ne lacez aucun ty e de vanne u de dis...
Page 16
a de tuyaute ie u installa n de ase Rinnai Chauffe-eau Water Heater Rinnai Equipment List Rinnai Water Heaters RIK-KIT (Optional) (3/4" Fittings Include: 2 Unions, 2 Ball Valves, 2 Drain Valves and 1 Pressure Relief Valve.) C nnexi n de gaz en 3/4" F u nitu e de gaz C nduite d ali enta n en...
La essi n d eau ini ale d it t e de de gaz de t us d is avant s n anche ent su le 50 si. Giant ec ande 60-80 si u une chauffe-eau. ance axi ale.
Page 18
Tableau de calibrage de tube – Gaz naturel • T ut c s u lis su un int filet de tuyaute ie de gaz d it t e d un ty e ui siste à l ac n du gaz de Tu e talli ue ualit 40 t le li u fi...
Page 19
Raccordement de l électricité Réglage pour haute al tude AVERTISSEMENT L a iv e du gaz et de l lect icit au chauffe-eau d it t e c u e. Su le l c SW1 de ic -c utateu s IP N u lisez as de c d n all nge ni d ada tateu de nze) assez les ic -c utateu s 2 et 3 su les...
nstalla on d un contr leur Ajustement pour longueur de température de en la on Changez si n cessai e la n du ic -c utateu AVERTISSEMENT IP N° 1 de SW1 ( l c nze). e tez-v us à la sec L ngueu axi ale de ven la C u ez l ali enta...
Page 21
M ntage du c nt ôleu C nfigu a 1. Faites t is t us dans le u c e c est nt . Un axi u de 4 c nt ôleu s de te atu e eut t e install u un chauffe-eau u un g u e de chauffe-eau.
ô □ □ Le chauffe-eau n est pas e posé à des composés Une ane de gaz commandée manuellement est montée sur la conduite de gaz du chauffe-eau. corrosi s dans l air. □ □ Contrôlez les conduites et raccordements de gaz pour L eau d alimenta on ne con ent pas de produits chimi ues et ne présente pas un tau de dureté...
Page 23
UGT-180 UGT-199 Consomma on min. de gaz en Btu/h 0 300 Consomma on ma . de gaz en Btu/h 80 000 99 000 Capacité en eau chaude (Min. – Ma .) * 0,26 – 7, GPM ( ,0 - 28, L/min) 0,26 –...
Page 24
Pouces (millimètres) UGT-180, UGT-199 9,27 (23 . ) 4,04 (3 6,6) 0,4~ ,8 ( 0~4 ) Variable ,0 ( 28, ) DIA 0,62 ( , 9) ENTRÉE D EAU FROIDE CONNEXION DE GAZ Pouces Pouces DI EN ION DI EN ION (mm) (mm) A (GAZ)
Page 25
Le graphi ue ci-dessous ne s appli ue ue pour des arri ées d eau à 70°F (2 °C) ou moins. Pour des arri ées d eau roide à température plus éle ée ue 70°F (2 °C), contactez Giant. G ph ’...
Page 26
Page 27
Le mode de recircula on ne peut pas tre u lisé a ec un groupe de traitement de l air ou plusieurs chauffe-eau Giant. Le réglage ma imal de température du Giant dans le mode É de recircula on est de 40°F (60 °C).
Page 28
Les micro-commutateurs DIP (N° 4 et 8 du bloc blanc SW2) doi ent tre posi onnés correctement pour la recircula on h ff - et le mode. Le chauffe-eau Giant doit tre mis en ON. La pompe de recircula on est ac ée uand le chauffe-eau °F °C...
Page 29
ffe-ea instantan ven a on dire te Instr ons d isa on POUR USAGE INTÉRIEUR SEULEMENT UGT-199N UGT-199P UGT-152N UGT-152P oints i portants on ernant votre a ffe-ea Mer i a oir a e é un auffe-eau Gian ins an ané. our un on on onne en e la sé uri é il es...
Page 30
onsi nes op rate r po r n on onne ent s ritaire de son a ffe-ea T E SÉ U ITÉ ISEZ E I T DE Si ous ne sui e pas exa e en es ins ru ons il peu en résul er un é u in en ie ou une explosion en ra nan es é...
Page 31
ode d e p oi d ontrô e r de te p rat re Di ensions ar . 3 5" (88 9 ) x au . 4 75" (1 0 7 ) x Épais. 0 75" (19 1 e on r leur M -91- es le on r leur e e péra ure s an ar ui e li ré...
Page 32
Fixa on de a te p rat re auffe-eau né essi e un ini u é oule en eau pour on onner. e seuil peu ê re rou é sur la pa e e spé i a ons ans e anuel. Dans er ains as uan ous n o ene pas eau au e ou si l eau passe e au e...
Page 33
Te péra ures isponi les a e un on r leur auffe-eau peu ournir e l eau un seul ni eau e e péra ure la ois. es e péra ures possi les son onnées i- essous. Une e péra ure in érieure 98°F (37 ° ) peu s o enir au ro ine en élan ean a e e l eau roi e.
Page 34
p ons e e péra ure sans on r leur e e péra ure e ré la e e e péra ure par é au e e appareil ins allé sans on r leur e e péra ure es e 1 0°F (49 ° ). Si on le sou ai e e ré...
Page 35
o es e ia nos e re è es es éri a ons i- essous oi en ê re ai es par un ins alla eur pro essional. u lisa eur ne oi ja ais en er une répara on s il n es pas uali é e la aire. De ni on In errup on u se eur uran un re plissa e e ai noire (l eau ne oulera...
Page 36
De ni on Mise la erre éle ri ue on r le ous les o posan s pour er er es our s- ir ui s éle ri ues. ap eur e e péra ure e on r le si le la e e ap eur es en o a é.
Page 37
ntre en n essaire appareil oi ê re inspe é annuelle en par un pro essionnel a réé. Ins alla on e in er en ons e ser i e oi en ê re effe uées par un pro essionnel a réé. e pro essionnel a réé oi éri er le on on onne en après une in er en on. our ous pro é...
Page 38
rote on ontre e e ssure - ous ue par e ps rès roi le auffe-eau e ses on ui es eau son pro é ées effi a e en pour é i er le el. e es e soupapes e é ar e ne oi ê re ai ue par es o a es us au el ne son pas ou er s par la aran e.
Page 39
inça e de an e r t er i Un o e e ia nos 9 ou 00 ou 58 in i ue ue le auffe-eau o en e s en ar rer e oi ê re rin é. e pas le aire en o a erai son é...
Page 40
idan e an e e d a ffe-ea our é i er es r lures a en e ue l é uipe en ai re roi i a an e i an er l eau. eau res era lon e ps au e ans l appareil après son arrê...
Page 41
e enta ons o ie es T T UTE I ST auffe-eau en la on ire e sans réser oir oi ê re ins allé par un pro essionnel a réé. Si ous n a e pas re u la or a on appropriée ous ne e e pas ins aller e appareil. Dans tat a ri ain d...
Page 42
aran e i it e po r a s rie on ort -180, -199 n ra it s anu a urier aran ue sui e la éri a on e o re ré la a on ans la pério e e aran e é ri e i- essous les isposi ons né...
Page 43
[ ] a pério e e ou er ure es ré ui e in (5) ans par r e la a e a a si la e péra ure ré lée u auffe-eau Gian épasse 160°F (71° ). e isposi e on r le in é...
Page 44
u lisa on un on r leur M -91- ans une aison uni a iliale ré uira la ou er ure e la aran e elle une appli a- on o er iale sau lors ue le M -91- es u lisé a e un appareil e rai e en roni ue pour les e péra ures ne épassan pas 160°F (71°...
Page 46
If you have any questions or feel that the manual is incomplete contact Giant at 1-800-363-9354 Safety Definitions This is the safety alert symbol. This symbol alerts you to potential hazards that can kill or hurt you and others.
Safety Behaviors and Practices for the Consumer and Installer WARNING Before operating, smell all around the appliance Use only your hand to push in or turn the gas control knob. Never use tools. If the knob will not area for gas.
Installation Instructions Installer Qualifications General Instructions A licensed professional must install the appliance, DO NOT inspect it, and leak test it before use. The warranty Do not install the appliance outdoors. will be voided due to improper installation. Do not install the appliance in an area where water The installer should have skills such as: leakage of the unit or connections will result in...
Prepare for installation The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply Parts included piping system by closing its individual manual shutoff valve during any pressure testing of the gas Tankless water heater supply piping system at test pressures equal to or ...
Determine Installation Location You must ensure that clearances will be met and that Environment the vent length will be within required limits. Air surrounding the water heater, venting, and vent Consider the installation environment, water quality, termination(s) is used for combustion and must be and need for freeze protection.
Page 51
Vent Termination Clearances You must install a vent termination to bring in combustion air and expel exhaust. TERMINATION INSIDE CORNER DETAIL Clearance in Ref. A also applies to anticipated snow line SNOW FIXED CLOSED OPERABLE FIXED AIR SUPPLY INLET CLOSED OPERABLE VENT TERMINAL AREA WHERE TERMINAL...
Page 52
Additional clearances 60" (1.52 m) Check on whether local codes supersede these clearances. between terminals at Avoid termination locations near a dryer vent. different levels Avoid termination locations near commercial cooking exhaust. You must install a vent termination at least 12 inches from the ground.
Page 53
Unit clearances to Non- to Combustibles Combustibles inches (mm) inches (mm) Top of Heater 6 * (152) 2 *(51) Back of Heater 0 (zero) 0 (zero) Front of Heater 6 (152) 6 (152) Sides of Heater 2 (51) 1/2 (13) Ground/Bottom 12 (305) 12 (305)
Page 54
Maximum vent length Freeze Protection Make sure that in case of freezing weather that the 1. Determine the number of 90 degree elbows in water heater and its water lines are protected to the vent system. (Two 45 degree elbows count as prevent freezing.
Mount to Wall Checklist to Determine Installation Location □ The water heater is not exposed to corrosive compounds in the air. □ The water heater location complies with the wall installation clearances. brackets □ The planned venting will not exceed the maximum length for the number of elbows used.
The vent system must vent directly to the outside If it becomes necessary to access an enclosed vent of the building and use outside air for combustion. system for service or repairs, Giant is not responsible Avoid dips or sags in horizontal vent runs by for any costs or difficulties in accessing the vent installing supports per the vent manufacturer’s...
Page 57
Flue Installation Install the venting termination according to the diagrams and instructions below. Horizontal Termination without using the Condensate Collector WARNING * The condensate collector must be used in horizontal terminations if a vertical rise in If the condensate collector is not used, the drain pipe the vent system exceeds 5ft.
Condensate INFORMATION Condensate formation can occur in high efficiency direct vent appliances. Without proper drainage A condensate trap is available, P/N 50000101-A. condensate will damage the heat exchanger. Regions of cold climate will create more To prevent condensate damage follow these condensate in the vent system.
The relief line should allow for complete Isolation Valves drainage of the valve and the line. Giant strongly recommends the installation of Do not place any other type valve or shut off isolation valves on the cold and hot water lines...
Page 60
Piping Diagram for Basic Installation Rinnai Water Heater Rinnai Equipment List Rinnai Water Heaters RIK-KIT (Optional) (3/4" Fittings Include: 2 Unions, 2 Ball Valves, 2 Drain Valves and 1 Pressure Relief Valve.) 3/4" Hot Water Supply Line For Building Fixtures This is not an engineered drawing.
□ Check for proper water pressure to the water corrosive.) heater. Minimum water pressure is 20 psi. Giant Use approved connectors to connect the unit to recommends 30-80 psi for maximum the gas line.
Page 62
Example: 1300 The heating value of natural gas for your location is 1000 BTU/FT . The gas input of the UGT-199N is 1110 199,000 BTU/HR. Additional appliances at the loca- tion require 65,000 BTU/hr. Therefore the cubic feet per hour = (199,000 + 65,000) / 1000 = 264 FT /HR.
Connect Electricity Adjust for High Altitude (or U.S. installations) WARNING The gas and power to the water heater should be Do not use an extension cord or an adapter plug with turned off. On the SW1 DIP switch (tan switches), set this appliance.
Installation of Temperature Controller Adjust for Vent Length Adjust switch No. 1 in the SW1 DIP switch (tan WARNING switches) if required. Refer to the section “Maximum vent length”. Turn the power off. Do not attempt to connect the temperature controllers with the power on. Although the controller is a low voltage device, there is 120 volt Checklist for Gas and Electricity potential next to the temperature controller...
Page 65
Mounting the controller Configurations 1. Make three holes in the wall as shown. A maximum of 4 temperature controllers can be installed for a water heater or bank of water heaters. Outline of Remote This includes the controller built into an indoor water heater.
□ Final Checklist A manual gas control valve has been placed in the gas line to the water heater. □ The water heater is not subject to corrosive □ Check the gas lines and connections for leaks. compounds in the air. □...
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0.00 Water Flow (gpm) The chart below only applies to incoming water temperatures of 70°F (21°C) or less. For NOTICE incoming water temperatures greater than 70°F (21°C) please contact Giant. Water Flow Curve UGT-199 UGT-180 delta T - Temperature Rise (° F)
Recirculation Mode 4. Adjust the dip switch by moving the 4th switch in This water heater has the ability to control a the whie set of switches (SW2) to ON. recirculation pump. Two modes are available, For Economy mode, set the 8th switch in the Economy and Comfort, which recirculate the water in white set of switches (SW2) to OFF (default).
Page 72
Recirculation Mode Sequence of Operation Water Heater Typical Pump ON Intervals* DIP switches (SW2 - white switches, #4, #8) should be Temperature set correctly for recirculation and mode. The water (minutes) Setting heater should be turned on. Economy Comfort Pump recirculation begins when the water heater is °F °C turned on.
UGT-180P Important Facts about your Water Heater Thank you for purchasing a Giant Tankless Water Heater. For proper operation and safety, it is important to follow the instructions and adhere to the safety precautions. Read all of the instructions and the warranty thoroughly before operating this water heater. Keep this manual in a safe place.
Consumer Operation Guidelines for the Safe Operation of your Water Heater FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE OPERATING WARNING If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. A.
How to use the Temperature Controller Dimensions (inches): 3.5 W x 4.75 H x 0.75 D The MC-91-2 controller is the standard temperature controller that is supplied with the water heater. On In Use indoor models it is integrated into the front panel. Indicator Priority The MCC-91-2 controller is for commercial and...
How to Set the Temperature This water heater requires a minimum flow rate to operate. This rate can be found on the specification page in this manual. In some cases when you are not getting hot water or if the water alternates between hot and cold, it is due to the water flow being below or close to the minimum flow rate.
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Temperatures Available with a Controller The water heater can deliver water at only one temperature setting at a time. The available temperatures are provided below. A temperature lower than 98° F (37° C) can be obtained at the tap by mixing with cold water. To change the temperature scale from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa, press and hold the “On/Off”...
Temperature Options Without a Temperature Controller The default temperature setting for this appliance installed without a temperature controller is 120° F (49° C). If desired, the temperature setting can be changed to 140° F (60° C) by adjustment of a switch. In the SW1 Dip switch (tan switches), set switch 5 to ON to obtain 140°...
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Diagnostic Codes and Remedies WARNING Some of the checks below should be done by a licensed professional. Consumers should never attempt any action that they are not qualified to perform. Code Definition Remedy Power interruption during Bath Fill (Water will not flow when Turn off all hot water taps.
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Code Definition Remedy Electrical Grounding Check all components for electrical short. Outgoing Water Check sensor wiring for damage. Temperature Sensor Measure resistance of sensor. Clean sensor of scale build-up. Heat Exchanger Outgoing Replace sensor. Temperature Sensor Check for restrictions in air flow around unit and vent terminal. Check sensor wiring for damage.
Required Maintenance The appliance must be inspected annually by a licensed professional. Repairs and maintenance should be per- formed by a licensed professional. The licensed professional must verify proper operation after servicing. WARNING To protect yourself from harm, before performing maintenance: ...
Page 82
WARNING Freeze Protection Make sure that in case of freezing weather that the Testing the pressure relief valve should only be water heater and its water lines are adequately performed by a licensed professional. Scalding hot protected to prevent freezing. Damage due to water may be released under pressure.
An LC0~LC9 or “00” diagnostic code indicates the unit is beginning to lime up and must be flushed. Failure to flush the appliance will cause damage to the heat exchanger. Damage caused by lime build-up is not covered by the unit’s warranty. Giant strongly recommends installation of isolation valves to allow for flushing of the heat exchanger.
Manual Draining of the Water Heater WARNING To avoid burns, wait until the equipment cools down before draining the water. The water in the appliance will remain hot after it is turned off. If the water heater is not going to be used during a period of possible freezing weather, it is recommended that the water inside the water heater be drained.
State Regulations NOTICE BEFORE INSTALLATION This direct-vent appliance must be installed by a licensed professional. If you are not properly trained, you must not install this unit. IMPORTANT: In the State of Massachusetts (248 CMR 4.00 & 5.00) For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in every dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for residential purposes, including those owned or operated by the Commonwealth and where the side wall exhaust vent termination is less than seven (7) feet above finished grade in the area of the venting, including but not limited to decks and porches, the following requirements shall be satisfied:...
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A timer added to a standard recircu- lating pump is not considered as on demand. [2] Period of coverage is reduced to five (5) years from date of purchase if the Giant water heater temperature setting exceeds 160° F (71° C).
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5.To any damage or failure caused by utilizing the heater in conjunction with any other energy saving device or other source(s) of energy not approved Giant; or for other than use with potable water without any addi- tives such as salt, chlorine, or chemicals other than those added for the purpose of rendering the water fit to drink.
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No claims for incidental or consequential damages (including damages from leakage) will be accepted. LIMITATION ON WARRANTIES Giant Factories Inc. shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other similar damages that may arise, including lost profits, damage to person or property, loss of use, inconvenience, or liability arising from improper installation, service or use.