method B
Top Electrodes
5 cm
Lightly press the electrode against your chest until you hear or feel a click.
Important: Do not exert excessive pressure on the electrodes with your fingers.
"left index finger-chest"
(approximately corresponds to "lead 3")
Place your left index finger on the upper electrode on the device and hold
the device vertically in your hand.
You can determine the correct position for placing the lower electrode of the
device against your chest using the following methods:
• Draw an imaginary line from the front of your armpit downwards.
At the same time, draw an imaginary line going up 10 cm from the lowest
rib on the left side of your body. Place the lower electrode of the device at
the point where these two lines meet.
• Draw an imaginary line from the bottom of the centre of your breastbone
(sternum) to the left. At the same time, draw an imaginary line from the
front of your armpit downwards. Place the lower electrode of the device at
the point where these two lines meet.