These recipes are provided without guarantee .
All information regarding ingredients and
preparation is provided as guide values .
Modify the suggested recipes to your per-
sonal taste .
The maximal filling capacity of one freezer
bowl 9 produces around 9 –10 scoops of
ice cream .
Vanilla ice cream
200 ml/200 g whole milk
200 ml/200 g cream
40 g icing sugar
24 g vanilla sugar (approx . 3 sachets)
2 egg yolks
1) Beat the egg yolks with the vanilla sugar and
icing sugar until you have a lightly-coloured
mass .
2) Now add the milk .
3) Beat the cream until it is slightly stiff .
4) Mix the cream and the egg yolk mass .
5) Allow the mixture to cool down in the
refrigerator for approx . 4 hours .
Now you can process the mixture as described in
the instructions .
SECM 12 B4
Strawberry ice cream
approx . 300 g strawberries
200 ml/200 g whole milk
200 ml/200 g cream
100 g icing sugar
1) Puree the strawberries .
2) Beat the cream until it is slightly stiff .
3) Mix the pureed strawberries with the cream,
the milk and the icing sugar .
4) Allow the mixture to cool down in the
refrigerator for approx . 4 hours .
Now you can process the mixture as described in
the instructions .
Banana ice cream
150 g bananas
300 ml/300 g whole milk
200 ml/200 g cream
100 g icing sugar
1) Puree the bananas .
2) Beat the cream until it is slightly stiff .
3) Mix the pureed bananas with the cream, the
milk and the icing sugar .
4) Allow the mixture to cool down in the
refrigerator for approx . 4 hours .
Now you can process the mixture as described in
the instructions .