As completion of siren performance, two additional functions are available, through suitable jumpers:
Alarm Count and Scaffolds Function (For details about their operation, see paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6).
NOTE: It is mandatory to connect the backup battery since, being the current absorption from central
unit limited, without it the siren is not able to sound correctly.
The HPA700M siren implement an "active self-diagnosis" function that takes care of verifying the integrity of
battery, horn, flashlight and protection module (if present), in addition to the correct presence of power
supplied from the control unit.
This test is carried out a first time after one minute from power-on (or from the correct application of AL and S
signals), and then every 23 hours or upon each system activation (opening of the input S) and lasts for
approximately 2 seconds; during this time interval, the horn and flash are activated and a measurement of the
battery voltage is performed under applied load conditions, with any detected faults reported via the "failure"
The battery voltage, in the case of no power supply from the main control unit, is constantly monitored so as to
be able to promptly report any faults. In this condition, the battery already has an applied load, therefore, no
extra loads are added.
In this way, full control of the efficient siren function is always ensured.
A similar test is also performed at every alarm start and end; differently from the previous one, this test is
instantaneous since the battery is already under load. The anomaly signalling is then updated only under
these three conditions.
Possible failures are also signalled through the local yellow LED (present on the flashlight module), that
however is visible only with a deactivated system if enabled via the special jumper (switching on is enabled
only with S present by displaying only the first anomaly encountered in a chronological order).
NOTE: the use of this function will imply the loss of conformity with the standard.
If a fault is detected upon system activation and deactivation, it will be displayed by the yellow LED flashing a
number times at a fast rate according to the type of fault to signal (see Sect. 4.0).
NOTE: When a single command for "AL" and "S" is used, the sound is delayed by 1 second.
Open the siren enclosure by unscrewing the front locking screw;
Break the piercing arrangements for cable passage and fasten the siren
to the wall using the provided holes.
Perform connections and programming; use anti-tamper shielded multi-
pole cables.
Lift the micro preventing opening/removal (A) after having freed it from
the adhesive band that blocks it. The screw on which the micro rests is
factory calibrated so that the lever, when there is a cover, closes the
contact. If this is not the case (due to bearing wall irregularities), screw or
unscrew the screw as much as necessary. Close the micro again (B).
Insert the battery into the housing and connects the fastons: red wire to positive, black wire to negative.
The siren performs the initial test (LEDs are turned on for an instant and a beep is emitted), after that
flash LEDs start blinking. Under this condition, the siren does not sound (initial block function). The
arrangement for the correct operation will occur after having applied the "AL" and "S" block signals.
Use screened multipole cable for burglar alarm systems.