94. Slide an M3 washer, then the pre-bent aluminum cable tab on
an M3 x 25 machine screw. Slide the screw through the hole
in the top side of the stabilizer.
95. Slide a second tab on the screw from the bottom of the
stabilizer. Secure the tabs using an M3 lock nut.
Install tabs on the left and right of the
stabilizer, and near the top of the fin.
Do not overtighten the hardware and compress
the wood structure of the stabilizer or fin.
96. Thread an M3 nut on the 300mm tail bracing rod. Place a
silicone retainer on the clevis, then thread the clevis on the
rod so the end of the rod is barely visible between the forks of
the clevis. Prepare both ends of the two 300mm and 390mm
tail bracing rods.
97. Attach the clevis from the shorter 300mm tail bracing rod to
the fi tting at the tail wheel. Slide the silicone retainer over the
forks of the clevis.
98. Adjust the clevises so the opposite end can be attached to the
fi tting on the bottom of the stabilizer.
Carbon Cub FX-3
99. Check that the tail bracing rod is positioned equally in both
clevises. Repeat the previous steps for the remaining 300mm
tail bracing rod on the opposite side of the stabilizer.
100. The upper 390mm tail bracing rods can be installed between
the top of the stabilizer and either side of the fi n.
101. Check that the tail bracing does not cause any misalignment
of the stabilizer and fi n. Once set, tighten the nuts against
the clevises. Make sure to use a drop of thread lock on the
threads where the nut is positioned to prevent them from
vibrating loose.
The support wires do not need to be tight
to function properly. Adjust evenly so as
to avoid distorting the tail group.