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® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Package Contents* • Wireless-G Broadband Router • Setup CD-ROM (with Symantec Internet Security) • User Guide on CD-ROM (English Only) • Power Adapter • Ethernet Network Cable • Quick Installation Guide *other items may be included Wireless-G 802.11g...
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Connect the Broadband Router Before you begin, make sure that you have the setup information for your specific type of Internet connection. The installation technician from your ISP should have left this information with you after installing your broadband connection. If not, you can call your ISP to request the settings.
Connect a different Ethernet network cable from your cable or DSL modem to the Internet port on the Router’s back panel. This is the only port that will work for your modem connection. Power on the cable or DSL modem. Connect the AC power adapter to the Router’s Power port and the other end into an...
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Configure the Broadband Router These instructions will show you how to configure the Router. You only need to configure it once. Make sure your PC’s Ethernet NOTE: adapter is set to obtain an IP address automatically. For more information, refer to Windows Help. Open your web browser.
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Internet Configuration Type DHCP: If you are connecting through DHCP or a dynamic IP DHCP address from your ISP , keep the default setting Obtain an IP automatically. Static IP: If your ISP assigns you a static IP address, select Static IP from the drop-down menu.
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want to be connected to your ISP , or select Connect on Demand if you are charged for the time that you are connected to your ISP . Telstra: Telstra (HeartBeat Signal) is a service used in Australia only. If you are using a HeartBeat Signal connection, check with your ISP for Telstra...
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added security, you should change the default SSID linksys to a unique name. Wireless Channel. Select the appropriate channel from the list provided to correspond with your network settings. All devices in your wireless network must broadcast on the same channel in order to function correctly.
Configuring Wireless Security The Router comes equipped with four types of wireless security: WEP , WPA Pre-Shared, WPA Enterprise, and RADIUS. These security methods are not enabled right out of the box, however. To configure wireless security on the Router, do the following: Open the Router’s Web Utility as shown in Step 2, and click...
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® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Pakkens indhold* • Trådløs-G Bredbånds-router • Installations-cd-rom (med Symantec Internet Security) • Brugervejledning på cd-rom (kun på engelsk) • Strømforsyning • Ethernet-kabel • Installationsvejledning *andre dele kan være vedlagt Trådløs-G 802.11g Bredbånds-router Installationsvejledning...
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Tilslutning af bredbånds-routeren Før du begynder, skal du have konfigurationsoplysningerne til din internetforbindelsestype. Du har sandsynligvis fået oplysningerne af din internetudbyder i forbindelse med installationen af din bredbåndsforbindelse. Hvis det ikke er tilfældet, kan du henvende dig til din internetudbyder for at få indstillingerne.
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Tilslut et andet Ethernet-kabel fra kabel- eller DSL-modemmet til internetporten på routerens bagpanel. Dette er den eneste port, der kan bruges til din modemforbindelse. Tænd kabel- eller DSL-modemmet. Tilslut vekselstrømsforsyningen til routerens strømstik og en stikkontakt. Kontroller, at lysdioderne Power og Internet på...
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Konfiguration af bredbånds-routeren Følg nedenstående vejledning for at konfigurere routeren. Du skal kun konfigurere den én gang. BEMÆRK: Sørg for, at pc'ens Ethernet- adapter er indstillet, så den automatisk henter en IP-adresse. Se hjælpen til Windows for at få yderligere oplysninger. Åbn webbrowseren.
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Internetkonfigurationstype DHCP: Hvis du opretter forbindelse via DHCP eller en dynamisk IP-adresse fra DHCP din internetudbyder, skal du beholde standardindstillingen Obtain an IP automatically (Hent automatisk en IP-adresse). Static IP (Statisk IP):Hvis din internetudbyder tildeler dig en statisk IP-adresse, skal du vælge Static IP i rullemenuen.
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(Adgangskode). Vælg Keep Alive (Permanent) hvis du altid vil have forbindelse til din internetudbyder, eller vælg Connect on Demand (Opret forbindelse efter behov), hvis du betaler for den tid, du har oprettet forbindelse til din internetudbyder. Telstra (HeartBeat-signal): Telstra (HeartBeat Signal) er en tjeneste, der kun bruges i Australien.
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små bogstaver i navnet, og det må ikke være længere end 32 tegn (alle tegn på tastaturet må bruges). Af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager bør du ændre standard- SSID'et linksys til et entydigt navn. Wireless Channel (Trådløs kanal). Vælg den relevante kanal på den viste liste, så...
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Konfiguration af trådløs sikkerhed Routeren leveres med fire typer trådløs sikkerhed: WEP , WPA Pre-Shared, WPA Enterprise og Radius. Disse sikkerheds- metoder aktiveres dog ikke, hvis du ikke foretager dig noget. Hvis du vil konfigurere trådløs sikkerhed på routeren, skal du gøre følgende: Åbn routerens webhjælpeprogram som vist under trin 2, og klik på...
® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Contenu de l'emballage* • Routeur haut débit sans fil G • CD-ROM d'installation (avec Symantec Internet Security) • Guide de l'utilisateur sur CD-ROM (en anglais uniquement) • Adaptateur électrique • Câble réseau Ethernet •...
Branchement du routeur haut débit Avant de commencer, vérifiez que vous disposez des paramètres de configuration propres à votre type de connexion Internet. Le technicien de votre fournisseur d'accès Internet doit vous avoir communiqué ces données après avoir installé votre connexion haut débit.
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Recommencez l'étape C pour relier des ordinateurs supplémentaires ou d'autres périphériques réseau au routeur. Reliez votre modem câble ou DSL au port Internet situé sur le panneau arrière du routeur au moyen d'un autre câble réseau Ethernet. Il s'agit du seul port compatible avec votre connexion modem.
Configuration du routeur haut débit Ces instructions vous expliquent comment configurer le routeur. Il vous suffit de le configurer une seule fois. REMARQUE : Assurez-vous que l'adaptateur Ethernet de votre ordinateur est configuré pour obtenir automatiquement une adresse IP. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, reportez-vous à...
Type de configuration Internet DHCP : si vous vous connectez à votre fournisseur d'accès Internet au moyen DHCP d'une adresse DHCP ou IP dynamique, ne modifiez pas la configuration par défaut Obtain an IP automatically (Obtenir automatiquement un fournisseur d'accès Internet). Static IP : si votre fournisseur d'accès Internet vous attribue une adresse IP statique, sélectionnez Static IP...
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Name (Nom de l'utilisateur) et Password (Mot de passe). Choisissez l'option Keep Alive (Activé) si vous souhaitez toujours être connecté à votre fournisseur d'accès Internet (FAI) ou sélectionnez Connect on Demand (Connexion à la demande) si vous êtes facturé pour le temps connecté...
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casse et ne doit pas comprendre plus de 32 caractères (tous les caractères du clavier peuvent être utilisés). Pour optimiser la sécurité, vous devez remplacer le paramètre SSID par défaut (linksys) par un nom unique. Wireless Channel (Canal sans fil). Sélectionnez le canal approprié...
Configuration de la sécurité sans fil Le routeur comprend quatre types de sécurité sans fil : WEP , WPA Pre- Shared Key, WPA Enterprise et Radius. Ces méthodes de sécurité ne sont cependant pas activées. Pour configurer la sécurité sans fil du routeur, procédez comme suit : Ouvrez l'utilitaire Web du routeur comme indiqué...
® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Lieferumfang* • Wireless-G Broadband-Router • Eine Installations-CD-ROM mit Symantec Internet Security. • Benutzerhandbüch auf CD-ROM (nur auf Englisch verfügbar) • Netzteil • Ethernet-Netzwerkkabel • Kurzanleitung * Der Lieferumhang kann u. U. variieren. Wireless-G 802.11g...
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Verbinden des Broadband Routers Stellen Sie zunächst sicher, dass Sie die Setup-Informationen für Ihre Internetverbindung zur Hand haben. Diese Informationen sollten Sie von Ihrem Internet-Dienstanbieter (ISP) bei der Installation Ihrer Breitband- Verbindung erhalten haben. Wenn diese Einstellungsdaten nicht zur Verfügung stehen, fordern Sie sie von Ihrem ISP an.
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Verbinden Sie Ihr Kabel- oder DSL- Modem mit einem anderen Ethernet-Netzwerkkabel über einen anderen Internet-Port auf der Rückseite des Routers. Dies ist der einzige Port, der für eine Modemverbindung verwendet werden kann. Schalten Sie das Kabel- oder DSL-Modem ein. Schließen Sie den Netzteil an den Stromanschluss des Routers an, und stecken Sie das andere Ende in eine Netzsteckdose.
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Konfigurieren des Broadband-Router In diesen Anweisungen wird erklärt, wie Sie den Router konfigurieren. Sie müssen den Router nur einmal konfigurieren. HINWEIS: Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Ethernet-Adapter Ihres PCs so eingestellt ist, dass er automatisch eine IP-Adresse bezieht. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie in der Windows-Hilfe.
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Internet-Konfigurationstyp DHCP: Wenn Sie eine Verbindung über DHCP DHCP bzw. über eine dynamische IP- Adresse Ihres ISPs herstellen, behalten Sie die Standardeinstellung Obtain an IP automatically (IP-Adresse automatisch beziehen) bei. Statische IP-Adresse: Wenn Ihnen Ihr ISP eine statische IP-Adresse zuweist, wählen Sie aus dem Dropdown-Menü...
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zu Ihrem ISP Keep Alive (Verbindung aufrecht halten), oder wählen Sie Connect on Demand (Bei Bedarf verbinden), falls die Verbindungszeit mit Ihrem ISP gebührenpflichtig ist. Telstra (HBS): Telstra (Heart Beat Signal) ist ein Dienst, der nur in Australien verwendet wird. Wenn Sie eine HBS- Verbindung verwenden, klären Sie die Telstra erforderlichen Setup-Informationen mit...
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maximal 32 Zeichen lange SSID dürfen alle Zeichen der Tastatur verwendet werden. Es wird zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden. Um die Sicherheit zu erhöhen, sollten Sie die Standard-SSID linksys in einen eindeutigen Namen ändern. Wireless Channel (Wireless-Kanal): Wählen Sie aus der Liste den Ihren Netzwerkeinstellungen entsprechenden Kanal aus.
Konfigurieren von Wireless-Sicherheit Auf dem Router können vier Wireless- Sicherheitstypen eingerichtet werden: WEP , WPA Pre-Shared (WPA Vorläufiger gemein- samer Schlüssel), WPA Enterprise und Radius. Diese Sicherheitseinstellungen sind jedoch nicht sofort nach Kauf des Geräts aktiviert. Wenn Sie die Wireless-Sicherheit auf dem Router konfigurieren möchten, führen Sie folgende Schritte aus: Öffnen Sie das webbasierte...
® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Contenuto della confezione* • Router a banda larga Wireless-G • Setup CD-ROM (CD-ROM per l'installazione guidata) con Symantec Internet Security • User Guide (Guida per l'utente) su CD- ROM (solo in inglese) • Adattatore di corrente •...
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Collegamento del router a banda larga Prima di iniziare, assicurarsi di disporre delle informazioni sulla configurazione relative al tipo di connessione Internet utilizzata. Tali dati dovrebbero essere stati forniti dall'installatore del provider di servizi Internet dopo aver installato la connessione a banda larga. In caso contrario, richiedere le impostazioni al provider di servizi Internet.
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Collegare un altro cavo di rete Ethernet dal modem via cavo o DSL alla porta Internet presente sul pannello posteriore del router. Questa è l'unica porta funzionante per la connessione modem. Accendere il modem via cavo o DSL. Collegare l'adattatore di corrente CA alla porta Power (Alimentazione) del router e l'altra estremità...
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Configurazione del router a banda larga Attenersi alle istruzioni riportate di seguito per configurare il router. È necessario configurare il router una sola volta. NOTA Assicurarsi che l'adattatore Ethernet del PC sia impostato in modo da ottenere automaticamente un indirizzo IP. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare la Guida in linea di Windows.
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Tipo di configurazione Internet DHCP: se la connessione avviene DHCP tramite DHCP o indirizzo IP dinamico del provider di servizi Internet, non modificare l'impostazione predefinita Obtain an IP automatically (Ottieni automaticamente un indirizzo IP). Static IP (Indirizzo IP statico): se l'indirizzo IP assegnato dal provider di servizi Internet è...
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Name (Nome utente) e Password. Selezionare Keep Alive (Connessione sempre attiva) se si desidera essere sempre collegati al provider di servizi Internet oppure selezionare Connect on Demand (Connessione su richiesta) se la tariffa viene conteggiata in base al tempo effettivo di connessione al provider. Telstra (Heart Beat Signal): Telstra (Heart Beat Signal) è...
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nome è sensibile alla distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole e non può contenere più di 32 caratteri (che possono essere scelti tra tutti quelli disponibili sulla tastiera). Per una maggiore sicurezza, si consiglia di sostituire il valore SSID predefinito (linksys) con un nome univoco. Wireless Channel (Canale Wireless).
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Configurazione della protezione wireless Il router è dotato di quattro tipi di protezione wireless: WEP , WPA Pre- Shared (WPA precondivisa), WPA Enterprise e Radius. Questi metodi di sicurezza non sono tuttavia pronti per l'immediato utilizzo. Per configurare la protezione wireless sul router, attenersi alla seguente procedura: Aprire l'utilità...
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® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Conteúdo da embalagem* • Router sem fios G de banda larga • CD-ROM de configuração (com Symantec Internet Security) • Manual do utilizador no CD-ROM (disponíveis apenas em inglês) • Transformador • Cabo de rede Ethernet •...
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Ligar o Router de banda larga Antes de começar, certifique-se de que tem as informações de configuração do tipo específico de ligação à Internet. O técnico de instalação do ISP deverá ter fornecido estas informações depois de ter instalado a ligação de banda larga.
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Repita o passo C para ligar mais computadores ou outros dispositivos de rede ao Router. Ligue um cabo de rede Ethernet diferente do modem de cabo ou DSL à porta de Internet no painel posterior do Router. Esta é a única porta que funcionará...
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Configurar o Router de banda larga Estas instruções mostrarão como configurar o Router. Só é necessário efectuar a configuração uma vez. NOTA: Certifique-se de que a placa Ethernet do computador está definida para obter um endereço IP automaticamente. Para obter mais informações, consulte a Ajuda do Windows.
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Tipo de configuração da Internet DHCP: Se estiver a ligar através de DHCP ou de um endereço IP dinâmico do ISP , mantenha a DHCP predefinição Obtain an IP automatically (Obter um IP automaticamente). Static IP (IP estático): Se o ISP atribuir um endereço IP estático, seleccione Static IP (IP estático) no menu pendente.
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ligado ao ISP . HeartBeat Signal: HeartBeat Signal é um serviço utilizado apenas na Austrália. Se estiver a utilizar uma ligação HeartBeat Signal, consulte o ISP para obter as informações de configuração. Telstra Quando concluir a introdução das definições de ligação à Internet, clique no botão Save Settings (Guardar definições) para guardar as alterações.
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Wireless Channel (Canal sem fios). Seleccione o canal adequado a partir da lista fornecida, para corresponder às definições da rede. Todos os dispositivos da rede sem fios têm de difundir no mesmo canal para funcionarem correctamente. Wireless SSID Broadcast (Difusão de Assim que o IMPORTANTE: Assim que o...
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Configurar a segurança sem fios O Router vem equipado com quatro tipos de segurança sem fios: WEP , WPA Pre-Shared (WPA pré-partilhada), WPA Enterprise e Radius. No entanto, estes métodos de segurança não vêm já activados. Para configurar a segurança sem fios no Router, efectue os seguintes procedimentos: Abra o Utilitário baseado na Web do Router, conforme é...
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® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Contenido del paquete* • Ruteador de banda ancha Wireless-G • CD-ROM de configuración (incluye Symantec Internet Security) • Guía del usuario en CD-ROM (sólo en inglés) • Adaptador de corriente • Cable de red Ethernet •...
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Conecte el ruteador de banda ancha Antes de comenzar, asegúrese de que dispone de la información de configuración para el tipo de conexión a Internet específico. El técnico de instalación del proveedor de servicios de Internet le debe haber proporcionado esta información al instalar la conexión de banda ancha.
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Repita el paso C para conectar los demás PC o dispositivos de red al ruteador. Conecte un cable de red Ethernet distinto desde el módem por cable o DSL al puerto de Internet del panel posterior del ruteador. Es el único puerto que funciona con la conexión del módem.
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Configuración del ruteador de banda ancha En estas instrucciones se explica como configurar el ruteador. Sólo tiene que configurarlo una vez. NOTA: Asegúrese de que el adaptador Ethernet del PC está definido para obtener una dirección IP automáticamente. Para obtener más información, consulte la ayuda de Windows.
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Tipo de conexión de Internet DHCP: Si va a realizar la conexión mediante DHCP o una dirección IP DHCP dinámica del ISP , mantenga el parámetro predeterminado Obtain an IP automatically (Obtener una dirección IP automáticamente). Static IP (IP estática): Si el ISP le asigna una dirección IP estática, seleccione este parámetro en el menú...
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(Nombre de usuario) y Password (Contraseña). Seleccione Keep Alive (Mantener activo) si desea estar continuamente conectado al ISP . De lo contrario, seleccione Connect on Demand (Conectar cuando se solicite) si debe pagar todo el tiempo que esté conectado al ISP . Telstra: Telstra (Heart Beat Signal) es un servicio que sólo se usa en Australia.
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(puede elegir entre cualquiera de los caracteres del teclado). Para mayor seguridad, debe cambiar el SSID predeterminado linksys a un nombre único. Wireless Channel (Canal inalámbrico). Seleccione el canal de la lista correspondiente a los parámetros de red. Para que el funcionamiento sea correcto, todos los dispositivos de la red inalámbrica deben emitir en el mismo canal.
Configuración de la seguridad inalámbrica El ruteador incorpora cuatro tipos de seguridad inalámbrica: WEP , WPA Pre- Shared Key (Clave precompartida WPA), WPA Enterprise y Radius. Sin embargo, estos métodos de seguridad no están activados de forma automática. Para configurar la seguridad inalámbrica en el ruteador, realice las siguientes acciones: Abra la utilidad Web del ruteador como se muestra en el paso 2 y...
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® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Innehåll i förpackningen* • Wireless-G Bredbandsrouter • Installations-cd-skivor (med Symantec Internet Security) • Användarhandböcker på cd-skivor (endast engelska) • Strömadapter • Ethernet-nätverkskabel • Snabbinstallationshandbok *andra artiklar kan medfölja Wireless-G 802.11g Bredbandsrouter Snabbinstallationshandbok Wireless...
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Ansluta bredbandsroutern Innan du börjar måste du ha inställningsinformationen för just din typ av Internet-anslutning. Du bör ha fått den här informationen av installationsteknikern från din Internet-leverantör när bredbandsanslutningen installerades. Annars kan du ringa din Internet-leverantör och be om inställningarna. Kontrollera att alla maskinvaror i nätverket är avstängda, inklusive routern, datorn samt kabel- eller...
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Anslut en annan Ethernet- nätverkskabel från kabel- eller DSL- modemet till Internet-porten på baksidan av routern. Det här är den enda porten som fungerar för modemanslutningen. Starta kabel- eller DSL-modemet. Anslut strömadaptern till routerns strömport och den andra änden till ett eluttag Kontrollera att ström- och Internet- lysdioderna på...
Konfigurera bredbandsroutern De här anvisningarna beskriver hur du konfigurerar routern. Du behöver bara konfigurera den en gång. OBS! Kontrollera att datorns Ethernet- adapter är inställd på Hämta IP-adress automatiskt. Mer information finns i Windows-hjälpen. Öppna webbläsaren. Ange i fältet Adress.
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Typ av Internet-konfiguration DHCP: Om du ansluter via DHCP eller en dynamisk IP-adress från din DHCP Internet-leverantör behåller du standardinställningen Obtain an IP automatically (Hämta IP-adress automatiskt) Static IP (Statisk IP-adress): Om Internet-leverantören tillhandahåller en statisk IP-adress väljer du Static IP i listrutan.
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Connect on Demand (Anslut på begäran) om du debiteras för den tid du är ansluten till Internet. Telstral: Telstra (HeartBeat Signal) är en tjänst som endast används i Australien. Om du använder en HeartBeat Signal-anslutning kontaktar Telstra du Internet-leverantören och ber om inställningsinformation När du är klar med inställningarna för din Internet-anslutning klickar du på...
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Trådlös kanal. I listan väljer du en lämplig kanal som motsvarar dina nätverksinställningar. Alla enheter i det trådlösa nätverket måste sändas på samma kanal för att fungera korrekt. Trådlös SSID Broadcast. När trådlösa kunder söker i det lokala När routern är VIKTIGT! nätet efter trådlösa nätverk att konfigurerad bör trådlös säkerhet,...
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Konfigurera trådlös säkerhet Routern levereras med fyra typer av trådlös säkerhet: WEP , WPA Pre- Shared (WPA med för-delad nyckel), WPA Enterprise och Radius. De här säkerhetsmetoderna är dock inte aktiverade direkt utan att du behöver göra något. Konfigurera trådlös säkerhet på routern genom att göra följande: Öppna routerns webbverktyg på...
Wireless-G Broadband Router Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Welcome What’s in this User Guide? Chapter 2: Planning Your Wireless Network Network Topology Ad-Hoc versus Infrastructure Mode Network Layout Chapter 3: Getting to Know the Wireless-G Broadband Router The Back Panel The Front Panel Chapter 4: Connecting the Wireless-G Broadband Router Overview...
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Wireless-G Broadband Router The Administration Tab - Log The Administration Tab - Diagnostics The Administration Tab - Factory Defaults The Administration Tab - Firmware Upgrade The Administration Tab - Config Management The Status Tab - Router The Status Tab - Local Network The Status Tab - Wireless Appendix A: Troubleshooting Common Problems and Solutions...
Wireless-G Broadband Router List of Figures Figure 3-1: The Router’s Back Panel Figure 3-2: The Router’s Front Panel Figure 4-1: Connecting Your Internet Connection Figure 4-2: Connecting Your Network Devices Figure 4-3: Connecting the Power Figure 4-4: Diagram for Connection to Another Router Figure 4-5: Connecting Another Router Figure 4-6: Connecting Your Network Devices Figure 4-7: Connecting the Power...
Wireless-G Broadband Router Chapter 1: Introduction Welcome Thank you for choosing the Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router. The Wireless-G Broadband Router will allow you to network wirelessly better than ever, sharing Internet access, files and fun, easily and securely. How does the Wireless-G Broadband Router do all of this? A router is a device that allows access to an Internet connection over a network.
Wireless-G Broadband Router What’s in this User Guide? This user guide covers the steps for setting up and using the Wireless-G Broadband Router. • Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter describes the Router’s applications and this User Guide. • Chapter 2: Planning Your Wireless Network This chapter describes the basics of wireless networking.
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Wireless-G Broadband Router • Appendix G: Specifications This appendix provides the technical specifications for the Router. • Appendix H: Warranty Information This appendix supplies the warranty information for the Router. • Appendix I: Regulatory Information This appendix supplies the regulatory information regarding the Router. •...
Wireless-G Broadband Router Chapter 2: Planning Your Wireless Network Network Topology A wireless local area network (WLAN) is exactly like a regular local area network (LAN), except that each computer in the WLAN uses a wireless device to connect to the network. Computers in a WLAN share the same frequency channel and SSID, which is an identification name shared by the wireless devices belonging to the ssid (service set identifier): your wireless network’s name.
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Wireless-G Broadband Router The Wireless-G Broadband Router is compatible with all 802.11b and 802.11g adapters, such as the Notebook Adapters (WPC54G, WPC11) for your laptop computers, PCI Adapter (WMP54G, WMP11) for your desktop PC, and USB Adapter (WUSB54G, WUSB11) when you want to enjoy USB connectivity. The Broadband Router will also communicate with the Wireless PrintServer (WPS54G) and Wireless Ethernet Bridges (WET54G, WET11).
Wireless-G Broadband Router Chapter 3: Getting to Know the Wireless-G Broadband Router The Back Panel The Router's ports, where the cables are connected, are located on the back panel. IMPORTANT: Resetting the Router will erase all of your settings (Internet connection, wireless Figure 3-1: The Router’s Back Panel security, and other settings) and replace them with the factory defaults.
Wireless-G Broadband Router The Front Panel The Router’s SecureEasySetup button (the Cisco logo) and LEDs are located on the front panel. Figure 3-2: The Router’s Front Panel Power Green. The Power LED lights up and will stay on while the Router is powered on. When the Router goes through its self-diagnostic mode during every boot-up, this LED will flash.
Wireless-G Broadband Router Chapter 4: Connecting the Wireless-G Broadband Router Overview This chapter includes two sets of instructions. If the Wireless-G Broadband Router will be the only router in your network, follow the instructions in “Hardware Installation for Connection to Your Broadband Modem.” If you want to install the Wireless-G Broadband Router behind another router in your network, then follow the instructions in “Hardware Installation for Connection to Another Router.”...
Wireless-G Broadband Router 5. Connect your network PCs or Ethernet devices to the Router’s numbered ports using standard Ethernet network cabling. Figure 4-2: Connecting Your Network Devices 6. Connect the AC power adapter to the Router's Power port and the other end into an electrical outlet. Only use the power adapter supplied with the Router.
Wireless-G Broadband Router Hardware Installation for Connection to Another Router NOTE: Steps 1-4 are instructions for a typical Linksys Before you install the Router, you must change the default IP address of the other router. This is mandatory router; however, if you are using a non-Linksys router, because both routers may be set to the same IP address by default.
Wireless-G Broadband Router 9. Decide which network computers or Ethernet devices you want to connect to the Router. Disconnect the selected computers or devices from the other router, and then connect them to the Router’s numbered ports using standard Ethernet network cabling. Figure 4-6: Connecting Your Network Devices IMPORTANT: Make sure you use the power adapter 10.
Wireless-G Broadband Router Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G Broadband Router NOTE: For first-time installation, Linksys Overview recommends using the Setup Wizard on the Setup CD-ROM. If you want to configure advanced settings, use this chapter to learn about the Web-based Utility. Linksys recommends using the Setup CD-ROM for first-time installation of the Router.
Wireless-G Broadband Router The Setup Tab - Basic Setup The first screen that appears displays the Setup tab. This allows you to change the Router's general settings. Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to apply your changes or Cancel Changes to cancel your changes.
Wireless-G Broadband Router • PPPoE. Some DSL-based ISPs use PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) to establish Internet connections. If you are connected to the Internet through a DSL line, check with your ISP to see if they use PPPoE. If they do, you will have to enable PPPoE. User Name and Password.
Wireless-G Broadband Router • L2TP. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a service that applies to connections in Europe only. User Name. Enter the User Name provided by your ISP. Password. Enter the Password provided by your ISP. L2TP Server. Enter the IP address of the L2TP server you are using; this should be provided by your ISP. Connect on Demand.
Wireless-G Broadband Router Optional Settings Some of these settings may be required by your ISP. Verify with your ISP before making any changes. Router Name. In this field, you can type a name of up to 39 characters to represent the Router. Host Name/Domain Name.
Wireless-G Broadband Router Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) The settings allow you to configure the Router’s Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server function. The Router can be used as a DHCP server for your network. A DHCP server automatically assigns an IP address to each computer on your network.
Wireless-G Broadband Router The Setup Tab - DDNS The Router offers a Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) feature. DDNS lets you assign a fixed host and domain name to a dynamic Internet IP address. It is useful when you are hosting your own website, FTP server, or other server behind the Router.
Wireless-G Broadband Router The Setup Tab - MAC Address Clone A MAC address is a 12-digit code assigned to a unique piece of hardware for identification. Some ISPs will require you to register a MAC address in order to access the Internet. If you do not wish to re-register the MAC address with your ISP, you may assign the MAC address you have currently registered with your ISP to the Router with the MAC Address Clone feature.
Wireless-G Broadband Router The Setup Tab - Advanced Routing This tab is used to set up the Router’s advanced functions. Operating Mode allows you to select the type(s) of advanced functions you use. Dynamic Routing will automatically adjust how packets travel on your network. Static Routing sets up a fixed route to another network destination.
Wireless-G Broadband Router The Wireless Tab - Basic Wireless Settings The basic settings for wireless networking are set on this screen. Wireless Network Mode. From this drop-down menu, you can select the wireless standards running on your network. If you have both 802.11g and 802.11b devices in your network, keep the default setting, Mixed. If you have only 802.11g devices, select G-Only.
Wireless-G Broadband Router The Wireless Tab - Wireless Security IMPORTANT: If you are using WPA, always remember that each device in your wireless network MUST use The Wireless Security settings configure the security of your wireless network. There are four wireless security the same WPA method and shared key, or else the mode options supported by the Router: WPA Personal, WPA Enterprise, WPA2 Personal, WPA2 Enterprise, network will not function properly.