LoRaWAN 863-870 Pulse - Guide utilisateur / User guide version V2.0.0
minutes after transmitting the previous frame.
Bytes 21 to 22 : Delta B2 : index variation of channel B during the time interval between 30 to 40
minutes after transmitting the previous frame.
Bytes 23 to 24 : Delta A3 : index variation of channel A during the time interval between 40 to 50
minutes after transmitting the previous frame.
Bytes 25 to 26 : Delta B3 : index variation of channel B during the time interval between 40 to 50
minutes after transmitting the previous frame.
Bytes 27 to 28 : Delta A4 : index variation of channel A during the time interval between 50 to 60
minutes after transmitting the previous frame.
Bytes 29 to 30 : Delta B4 : index variation of channel B during the time interval between 50 to 60
minutes after transmitting the previous frame.
In the example in grey this gives:
Byte 2: frame index: index of this frame in a multi-message sequence (always null in this configu-
ration) = 0
Bytes 3 to 6 : Counter - channel A : counter value of channel A 10 minutes after transmitting the
previous frame = 0x00015C4F so 89,167 pulses
Bytes 7 to 10 : Counter - channel B : counter value of channel B 10 minutes after transmitting the
previous frame = 0x0000F74A so 63,306 pulses
Bytes 11 to 12 : Delta A0 : index variation of channel A during the time interval between 10 to 20
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x0012 so 18 additional pulses
Bytes 13 to 14 : Delta B0 : index variation of channel B during the time interval between 10 to 20
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x0020 so 32 additional pulses
Bytes 15 to 16 : Delta A1 : index variation of channel A during the time interval between 20 to 30
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x0007 so 7 additional pulses
Bytes 17 to 18 : Delta B1 : index variation of channel B during the time interval between 20 to 30
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x0010 so 16 additional pulses
Bytes 19 to 20 : Delta A2 : index variation of channel A during the time interval between 30 to 40
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x0100 so 256 additional pulses
Bytes 21 to 22 : Delta B2 : index variation of channel B during the time interval between 30 to 40
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x00F0 so 240 additional pulses
Bytes 23 to 24 : Delta A3 : index variation of channel A during the time interval between 40 to 50
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x0000 so no pulse
Bytes 25 to 26 : Delta B3 : index variation of channel B during the time interval between 40 to 50
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x0015 so 21 additional pulses
Bytes 27 to 28 : Delta A4 : index variation of channel A during the time interval between 50 to 60
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x074A so 1866 additional pulses
Bytes 29 to 30 : Delta B4 : index variation of channel B during the time interval between 50 to 60
minutes after transmitting the previous frame = 0x003B so 59 additional pulses
of 108