1. Make sure that the neckloop safety connector is closed. This connec-
tor makes it easier to put the neckloop on and also minimises accidents.
2. The white status LED on the transmitter lights up as soon as the trans-
mitter is in contact with the receiver and a transmission is established.
3. Adjust to the desired volume.
4. The pocket receiver switches off automatically when you place it in the
charging dock. We recommend to always return the receiver to the
transmitter's charging dock so that the battery is always charged. If
no audio signal reaches the transmitter for more than 5 minutes, it will
switch off automatically.
5. As an alternative, the pocket receiver can also be switched on and off
by prolonged pressing of the ON/OFF switch on the upper left side of
the receiver.
For best performance and range, place the receiver correctly. If possible,
the receiver should have a line of sight with the transmitter.
If possible and for ease of use, hold the receiver in your hand while having
visual contact to the transmitter.
The clip on the rear side of the receiver can be used to fasten the "earis"
pocket receiver to your belt or clothing.
You can also wear the receiver on the neckloop by attaching the receiver
to the loop of string coming out of the bottom of the neckloop's housing.
Thread this loop of string through the eyelet in the receiver and form a sling
by putting the entire neckloop through the string's loop.
38 English
Earis_BA_DE_EN_F_NL_E_I_pocket180920.indd 38
20.09.2018 14:32:23