Electrical connection
The following can be connected for measurement signal conditioning:
• Carrier‐frequency amplifier
• DC amplifier
designed for strain gage measurement systems.
The S2 force transducer is delivered with a six‐wire configuration.
6.1 Connection with six‐wire configuration
The transducer is delivered with a 3 m cable with free ends as standard.
Fig 6.1:
Pin assignment in six‐wire configuration
With this cable assignment, the output voltage at the measuring amplifier is
positive in the tensile direction when the transducer is loaded.
The connection cable shielding is connected to the transducer housing. Trans
ducers with free cable ends must be fitted with connectors complying with the
EMC guidelines. The shielding must be connected extensively. With other
connection techniques, an EMC‐proof screen should be applied in the wire
area and this screen should also be connected extensively (see also HBM
Greenline Information, brochure i1577).
6.2 Connection with four‐wire configuration
When transducers with a six‐wire configuration are connected to amplifiers
with a four‐wire configuration, the sense leads of the transducer must be con
nected to the corresponding supply leads: Identification (+) with (+) and identi
fication (-) with (-), see Fig 6.1. This measure also reduces the cable resist
ance of the excitation voltage leads. However, there will be a voltage loss on
the supply leads due to the cable resistance that is still present and not com
pensated for by the six‐wire configuration. A large part of this loss can be
A3181-1.0 en/de/fr
Sense lead (*)
Excitation voltage (*)
Measurement signal ())
Excitation voltage ())
Sense lead ())
Measurement signal (*)
Cable shield, connected to the housing