Error codes
According to model: *
When the robot fails, the red indicator on the robot will blink. Please check on the App the stated error code.
Error code
Error 1: Collision bumper is stuck, please
The collision bumper is stuck. Please tap repeatedly to remove foreign matters. If
there is no foreign matter, please relocate it and then start it.
Error 2: A wheel is stuck. Please check
If any wheel is stuck, please check whether any foreign matter is stuck in the
whether any foreign matter is stuck in the
wheel, or move it to near its home position to start it.
wheel, or move it to near its home position
to start it.
Error 3: A side brush is stuck, please check.
The side brush may be entangled with foreign matters. Please clean and restart it.
Error 4: The rolling brush is stuck. Please
The rolling brush may be entangled with foreign matters. Please remove and
remove and clean it.
clean it, its connections, its cover and the suction inlet.
Error 5: The robot is trapped. Please clear
The robot is trapped. Please clear obstacles around.
obstacles around.
Error 6: The robot is trapped. Please move it
The robot may be suspended. Please relocate it and start. If the anti-drop sensor is
near its home position to start it.
too dirty, it may also cause the fault. Please wipe the anti-drop sensor to eliminate
the fault.
Error 7: A wheel is suspended. Please move
A wheel is suspended. Please move it to near its home position to start it.
it to near its home position to start it.
Error 8: The battery level is too low, and the
The battery level is too low, and the robot is about to shut down automatically.
robot is about to shut down automatically.
Please charge it.
Please charge it.
Error 10: Optical flow sensor dirty, Please
The optical flow sensor is covered by dust. Please wipe it.
wipe it.
Error 11: The recharge sensor is blocked.
The recharge sensor is covered by dust. Please wipe it.
Please wipe it.
Error 12: The follow-wall sensor is blocked.
The follow-wall sensor is blocked. Please wipe it.
Please wipe it.
Error 13: The robot is tilted. Please put the
The robot is tilted during startup. Please put the robot on the horizontal ground
robot on the horizontal ground to start.
to start.
Error 14: Please install the dust box and
Please install the dust box and filters back, and make sure that filters and the dust
filters back.
box are installed in place. Then please restart the robot.
Error 17: Restricted area detected. Please
The robot is too close to a restricted area during starting. Please relocate it to start.
relocate it to start.
Error 18: The laser cover is stuck. Please
The pressure sensor for laser cover is pressed or stuck. Please relocate it to start.
Error 19: The laser sensor is stuck or twisted,
The laser distance sensor is stuck by foreign matter. Please clear it.
please check.
Error 20: The laser sensor may be blocked,
The laser distance sensor is blocked, please clear the blocking. Too spacious
please check.
environment and multi-reflection environment such as metal mirrors also affect
the normal operation of a laser distance sensor. Please relocate it to art.
Error 21: Please clear obstacles around the
The robot may be stuck or trapped. Please clear obstacles around the robot.
charging dock.
Error W1: Battery abnormal. Please consult
Please open the battery compartment, check whether the battery is properly
the instructions or APP.
connected, and try to restart the robot. The battery temperature is too high or too
low. Please wait for the battery temperature to be normal (0 °С~40 °С/32 °F~104
Error W2: Wheel module abnormal. Please
Please check whether any foreign matter is stuck in a wheel and try to restart the
consult the instructions or APP.
robot. If the error persists, please contact our Service Department.
Error W3: Side brush module abnormal.
Please check whether any foreign matter is stuck in a side brush and try to restart
Please consult the instructions or APP.
the robot. If the error persists, please contact our Service Department.
Error W4: Rolling brush abnormal. Please
Please remove and clean it, its connections, its cover and the suction inlet. Please
consult the instructions or APP.
try to restart the robot after cleaning. If the error persists, please contact our
Service Department.
*Error W5: Water pump abnormal. Please
Please clean the water tank, water pump connections on the tank and water
consult the instructions or APP.
pump connections on the robot, the water outlet at the robot bottom, and check
the mop module. Please try to restart the robot with all modules installed back
after cleaning. If the error persists, please contact our Service Department.
Error W6: Laser sensor abnormal. Please
Please check the laser sensor for foreign matter and try to restart the robot after
consult the instructions or APP.
cleaning. If the error persists, please contact our Service Department.
Error W7: Fan abnormal. Please consult the
Please check whether any foreign matter is stuck in the fan and try to restart the
instructions or APP.
robot. Please clean the dust box and filters and try to restart the robot. If the error
persists, please contact our Service Department.