1. Reduce the throttle to around 50% to slow the airspeed.
2. Fly the aircraft downwind past the end of the runway.
3. Turn the aircraft into the wind and line the aircraft up with the runway
center line.
4. Decrease the throttle further and begin descending towards the runway,
keeping the wings level during approach. Try to have the aircraft at
approximately 10ft (3m) altitude as it passes over the threshold of the
5. As the aircraft passes over the threshold of the runway decrease the
throttle fully.
6. Just as the aircraft is about to touch down, gently pull back on the elevator
to raise the nose and fl air for a gentle landing.
NOTICE: If a crash is imminent, activate throttle hold or quickly lower the
throttle and throttle trim. Failure to do so could result in extra damage to the
airframe, as well as damage to the ESC and motor.
IMPORTANT: When fi nished fl ying, never keep the aircraft in the sun. Do not
store the aircraft in a hot, enclosed area such as a car. Doing so can damage
the foam.
Trimming the Aircraft
Adjusting Trim in fl ight
If your aircraft does not fl y straight and level at half throttle with the sticks at
neutral, fl y into the wind and adjust the trim sliders as indicated in the table
until the aircraft maintains a reasonably straight and level fl ight path.
• Trimming is best done in calm wind conditions.
• The SAFE fl ight mode switch should be set to Experienced mode (position 2)
before adjusting the trims.
After the aircraft is trimmed in fl ight, land the aircraft and proceed to the
Manually Adjusting Trim section to set the trim mechanically.
The included RTF DXe transmitter features electronic trim buttons. The
transmitter emits a faint beep with each click of the trim buttons in either
direction. Holding the button in either direction quickly adjusts the trim several
steps until the button is released or until the trim reaches the end of its travel.
If the trim button does not beep when clicked, the trim is at the far end of its
travel. Center trim is indicated by a slightly louder beep.
Manually Adjusting Trim
WARNING: Do not perform any maintenance with the propeller
installed on the aircraft. Serious injury or property damage could
result from the motor starting inadvertently.
The SAFE Plus fl ight mode switch should be set to Experienced mode
(position 2) before manually adjusting the trim settings.
The aircraft should be kept still while perfoming manual adjustment of trim.
With the trim settings from the trim fl ight still set in the transmitter, take note of
the positions of each of the control surfaces, one at a time.
Adjust the clevis on each control surface to position the surface the same as it
was with the trim offset.
1. Remove the clevis from the control horn.
2. Turn the clevis (as shown) to lengthen or shorten the pushrod.
3. Close the clevis onto the control horn and slide the tube towards the horn to
secure the clevis.
4. Move to the next control surface.
When you have all of the surface trims centered, return the trim settings on
the transmitter to neutral by pushing the trim buttons for each surface until the
transmitter emits a loud beep indicating center trim.
10ft power is cut
Aircraft Drift
Trim Required
Elevator Trim
Elevator Trim
Aileron Trim
Aileron Trim
Rudder Trim
Rudder Trim
AeroScout S