Apart from the time required, the capacity of the accumulator is given in percent.
This value is based on the capacity taken and charged. As no discharge takes place
in the CHARGE programme, a zero is given here. At the end of the CHECK pro-
gramme you will find the residual capacity in percent here. The CYCLE and ALIVE
programmes allow to draw a conclusion about the status of the accumulator,
because the real capacity is indicated.
85% of an accumulator of 7000mAh indicate that this accumulator has a residual
capacity of only 5950mAh.
For newly developed accumulators values above 100% are also possible.
Right to the percent indication another battery symbol is displayed. This symbol
allows to draw a conclusion about the self-discharge of the accumulator. The status
of the accumulator will be determined after the end of the charging process and
again after another 5 hours. This means that the icon may still change after charging
is complete; in order to evaluate this icon, the accumulator has to stay connected 5
hours after the end of the program.
- A full battery symbol points to a very low self-discharge. It shows that the accu-
mulator is in a very good condition in terms of self-discharge.
- Three bars indicate a beginning weakness of the accumulator.
- Two bars point to an increased self-discharge.
- If the battery symbol is empty, you should think about purchasing a new accumu-
lator as soon as possible.
Now, the accumulator can be disconnected.
If you do not disconnect the accumulator and the accumulator needs to be
recharged, the trickle charge programme TRICKLE (TRI) will be started automatical-
ly after 5 hours at the earliest; this means that the accumulator will be recharged. The
capacity (C) of the recharge (Trickle) and the time required for this process (hh:mm)
will not be indicated or summed up. Only the voltage and the current are always
updated. Therefore, the charging capacity, the discharging capacity and the time
only refer to the programme processed.
"St12V D=
"23° C
"08:51:00 I=0.500A"
If the recharging process has not been successful, the error message ERR (for
ERROR) is displayed and the charging station does not charge this accumulator any
"St12V D=