DR Steam Loco 99 1568-7,
The Königlich Sächsischen Staats-
eisenbahnen (Royal Saxonian State
Railways) operated more than 150
km (94 miles) of 750 mm tracks to
reach the mountainous industrial
regions of Saxonia in central
Germany. First attempts with articu-
lated Fairlie and Klose locomotives
failed, but the Meyer locomotives
were a great success. Starting in
1892, 96 of these unusual locomo-
tives were purchased, making them
the largest class of Meyer locomo-
tives ever built. Both drivetrains are
articulated, with the exhaust of the
rear high pressure cylinders power-
ing the front drivetrain.
After the Saxonian railways were
incorporated into the Deutsche
Reichsbahn, the locomotives were
used on other narrow gauge lines,
too, for example, on the Baltic island
of Rügen. In the 1950s, 22 of the
locomotives were rebuilt extensively
at the Görlitz shops, where they
received new boilers, frames and
cylinders. Today, some of these
unusual locomotives operate on
museum railways.
This detailed replica features:
- weather-resistant construction
- factory-installed onboard decoder
for MTS and analog operation
- four-way power control switch
- two protected gearboxes with
seven-pole Bühler motors
- eight powered wheels
- one traction tire
- twelve power pickups
- digital electronic sound:
- synchronized steam chuffs
- bell and whistle sounds
- brake sounds
- safety valve and steam sounds
- coal shoveling sound
- volume control
- remote control of sound features
(with Multi-Train System)
- voltage stabilization circuit
- smoke generator
- automatic directional lanterns
- one multi-purpose socket with cir-
cuit breaker
- length: 475 mm (18.7 in)
- weight: 3650 g (8.0 lb)
With this model, we recommend the
following items:
- 31065 DR Passenger Car, 901-204
- 38074 DR Passenger Car, 901-202
- 41100 DR Low-Side Gondola, Gray
- 42610 DR Low-Side Gondolas, 2
- 43210 DR High-Side Gondola, 99-
- 46354 DR Boxcar, 99-02-02
- 65011 Sound Unit Power Storage
For information on the complete LGB
program, see the LGB catalog.
Operating Modes
This model has a four-way power
control switch mounted in the cab
(Fig. 1, 2):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights and
smoke generator
Position 2: Power to motors, lights
and smoke generator
Position 3: Power to lights, smoke
generator, motors and sound (facto-
ry pre-set)
Multi-Train System
The model is equipped with a facto-
ry-installed onboard decoder for the
LGB Multi-Train System. It can be
used without modifications on ana-
log or digital layouts. For operation
with the Multi-Train System, the
model is programmed to loco
address 03. For information on pro-
gramming the loco address, see the
instructions for various MTS compo-
When operating with the Multi-Train
System, you can remotely control the
loco's functions. Press the lighting
button ("9" with remotes) to turn the
loco lights on or off. Press the func-
tion buttons to control the following
1: Whistle
2: Brake sound
3: Bell
4: Conductor announcement:
"Verehrte Fahrgäste: Bitte einsteigen
und Türen schließen. Vorsicht bei der
Abfahrt des Zuges!" (Dear passen-
gers: Please board and close the
doors. Be careful when the train
5: Injector sound
6: Generator sound
7: Smoke generator off/on
8: Sound off/on
With a Loco Remote or Universal
Remote, press the numbered loco
function buttons. With an MTS Train
Mouse, press the loco function but-
ton the matching number of times.
For example, to trigger the bell, press
button "3" on the Loco Remote or
Universal Remote. If you are using a
Train Mouse, press the function but-
ton three times to trigger the bell.
When operating with the Multi-Train
System, the loco features a "Back-
EMF" function. This keeps the motor
speed constant (and under normal
conditions the loco speed), even
when the load of the loco changes,
for example, in curves or on grades.
This feature does not work at top
speed, because additional voltage
must be available to overcome any
added load.
If desired, numerous functions of the
onboard decoder, such as accelera-
tion, braking, direction of travel and
many others, can be programmed
using a PC and the 55045 MTS PC
Decoder Programming Module (see
Instructions for advanced users).
These functions also can be pro-
grammed with the 55015 Universal
This model features directional light-
ing. The model has a "flat" multi-pur-
pose socket, with a removable cover,
on the rear wall (Fig. 3). This socket
can be used to provide track power
to LGB cars with lighting or sound
To remove the cover of the socket,
pull it straight out. If the cover is
tight, gently use a small straight
screwdriver to pry it out. (Do not pull
out the rectangular outer housing.)
Smoke Generator
This model is equipped with a smoke
generator. A small supply of LGB
Smoke and Cleaning Fluid is included
with this model. For best operation,
fill the generator halfway with fluid. If
the generator is overfilled, it will not
convert the fluid into smoke.
Attention! Only use LGB Smoke and
Cleaning Fluid (50010). Other fluids
may damage your locomotive.