Attention! Never touch the heating
element in the center of the smoke
generator. It is hot and fragile.
Hint: The smoke generator can be
run "dry" without smoke fluid.
This model features a digital elec-
tronic sound system. The volume
control is located under the left water
hatch. Pull up the water hatch to
remove it. Then you can adjust the
volume (Fig. 4)
All sound features described below
also can be controlled directly with
the LGB Multi-Train System (see
Multi-Train System).
Bell and whistle: The whistle sounds
automatically when the locomotive is
The bell and whistle also can be trig-
gered using the LGB Sound Trigger
Magnet (17050) included with this
model. The 17050 snaps between
the ties of most LGB track sections.
The magnet in the 17050 is under the
LGB logo. If the contact is installed
with the logo on one side of the
track, it will trigger the whistle as the
model passes. If the contact is
reversed, it will trigger the bell.
Brake: To trigger the "squealing"
brake sound, reduce the model's
speed slowly. This requires a skilled
hand and a little practice.
Standing sounds: With the Multi-
Train System, you hear the safety
valve, coal shoveling and the boiler
sounds while the loco is standing.
To hear the standing sounds with
analog operation, a low voltage
(approx. 6.5 volts) must be main-
tained on the tracks. Turn the throttle
to a low setting so that the loco does
not yet start, but you can hear the
Hint: To obtain standing sounds with
analog operation while the throttle is
turned off and when reversing the
locomotive's direction, the 65011
Sound Unit Power Storage must be
installed. For questions regarding the
installation of the 65011, please con-
tact your authorized retailer.
Hint: This model is equipped with a
starting delay circuit. This enables
the model to produce standing
sounds while it is stopped.
Attention! Do not connect this model
to other locomotives with different
starting characteristics. This can
damage the internal gearing.
Power Supply
Attention! For safety and reliability,
operate this model with LGB power
supplies (transformers, power packs
and controls) only. The use of non-
LGB power supplies will void your
Use this model with LGB power sup-
plies with an output of more than 1
amp. For more information on LGB
power supplies for indoor, outdoor
and multi-train operation, see the
LGB catalog.
Attention! After extended operation,
this model may leave carbon dust or
other debris around the track. This
dust and debris can stain carpet and
other materials. Consider this when
setting up your layout. Ernst Paul
Lehmann Patentwerk and LGB of
America are not liable for any dam-
Do-It-Yourself Service Levels
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Attention! Improper service will void
your warranty. For quality service,
contact your authorized retailer or an
LGB factory service station (see
Authorized Service).
Hint: Additional expert instructions
for many LGB products are available
The axle bearings and the side rod
ends should be lubricated occasion-
ally with a small amount of LGB
Maintenance Oil (50019).
This model can be cleaned externally
using a mild detergent and gentle
stream of water. Do not immerse this
Attention! This model is equipped
with sound electronics. Do not
expose the speaker directly to water.
Replacing the light bulbs
Lights (front, upper rear): Pull the
lantern housing away from the
model. Remove and replace the bulb.
Lights (lower rear): Remove the ring
around the lantern lens. Carefully pry
the lens away from the lantern. Using
tweezers, remove and replace the
bulb. Reassemble.
Cab light: Using tweezers, remove
and replace the bulb.
Replacing the smoke generator
- Pull the safety cover out of the
smoke stack (Fig. 5).
- Use pliers or tweezers to pull the
old smoke generator out of the
- Cut the wires to the old generator
and attach them to the replacement
- Insulate the connections and push
the replacement generator into the
stack (Fig. 6).
- Reassemble.
Replacing the traction tire
- Remove the screw in front of the
rear gearbox.
- Remove the screw on the rear cou-
- Remove the hex screw on the rear
drive rod and take the drive rod off
the wheel.
- Pull the rear gearbox out of the
- Use a small, straight-blade screw-
driver to pry the old traction tire out
of the wheel groove.
- Use a small, straight-blade screw-
driver to gently pry the new traction
tire into the wheel groove.
- Make sure that the traction tire is
seated properly in the wheel
- Reassemble.
Maintenance parts
50010 Smoke and Cleaning Fluid
50019 Maintenance Oil
51020 Gear Lubricant
62201 Standard Motor with Short
63120 Brushes, Assembled,
14mm and 16mm, 8 pieces
63218 Standard Pick-Up Shoes,
2 pieces
65853 Smoke Generator, 5V
68511 Plug-In Bulb, Clear, 5V,
10 pieces
69104 Traction Tire, 37.5mm,
10 pieces