In this menu item, the IR-Sensor range (reaction
distance) can be adjusted by turning the function
knob (1) .
Turning to the right:
Turning to the left:
The bar indicates the relative extent of the range.
All IR-Sensor settings can be tested
immediately while adjusting the setting by
passing your hand over the IR-Sensor (5).
When activated, the "IR-Sensor" symbol
reacts accordingly. Keep changing the
settings until the desired setting is reached.
If the "DoubleClick on" setting is selected, after
the first sensor activation, the symbol "Pass 2x"
appears. Only after the sensor has been activated
a second time within the DoubleClick time does the
symbol "Sensor activation OK" appear. If the
"DoubleClick off" setting is selected, as soon as the
sensor is activated the first time, "Sensor
activation OK" appears.
It is possible to adjust the sensor range
to 0 mm or more than 50 mm. Then the
IR-Sensor is out of range and cannot be
activated. In that case, increase or
decrease the IR-Sensor range.
5.3 Stand-by time
When the flame has not been ignited for a longer
time as set on the stand-by-timer or the function
knob (1) has not been actuated, the unit is switched
off to avoid accidental activation, for example after
a break. This safety function can be adjusted in the
range from 1 - 120 minutes.
To set the stand-by time, select the appropriate
symbol in the settings menu and confirm with a
short push on the function knob (1).
Change the stand-by time by turning the knob. Once
the desired time is reached, push the function knob
(1) once again to memorize the value and switch
back to the settings menu.
(factory default setting: 10 min)
range increases
range decreases
on / off
IR-Sensor range
Fig. 5.2/2
Symbols for IR-Sensor test
Pass 2x
activation OK
Fig. 5.2/3
Stand-by time
Fig. 5.3/1
Current stand-by time
Fig. 5.3/2