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Griglia fissa - Fixed grille - Grille fixe - Festes Gitter - Rejilla fija COD. 5.371.084.354 26/02/2007 VORTICE LIMITED VORTICE FRANCE VORTICE ELETTROSOCIALI S.p.A. Beeches House - Eastern Avenue 72 Rue Baratte-Cholet Strada Cerca, 2 - frazione di Zoate Burton on Trent...
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354-o.k.qxp 26/02/2007 12.09 Pagina 2 MONTAGGIO ASSEMBLY MONTAGE MONTAGE MONTAJE • Griglia fissa esterna e interna obbligatoria per applicazioni inferiori o uguali a 2,3 m. di altezza. • Fixed external and internal grille, compulsory for application at heights of 2.3 m. and below. •...
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Pagina 3 ACCESSORIO A RICHIESTA OPTIONAL ACCESSORY ACCESSOIRE SUR DEMANDE AUF ANFRAGE ERHÄLTLICHES ZUBEHÖR ACCESORIO BAJO PEDIDO Attacco per tubi flessibili Connector for flexible pipes Raccord pour tuyaux souples Schlauchanschluss Empalme para tubos flexibles Cod. Mod. 22124 22125 120/125 22126 150/160...
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