Table des Matières


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Les langues disponibles




If you are having difficulty operating the MT400 or it does not seem to work as expected, look
up the symptoms in the following table and note the offered advice.
MT400 cannot be turned on.
Cannot listen to a connected music
Cannot push in the
Cannot record.
The level meters do not indicate sig-
nal levels.
Recordings are noisy.
Recordings are distorted.
Recordings sound dull.
Abnormal tape hiss.
Wow and flutter.
Fluctuating output level.
Recordings play back at a lower (or
higher) pitch by one octave.
Cannot send a channel signal to the
MIDI sequencer does not synchronize
to the MT400.
—Owner's Manual
Make sure the AC adapter is connected to a suitable AC wall outlet
securely and plugged into the DC 12V connector at the rear of the
Make sure that a correct AC adapter is being used.
Make sure that the MT400 POWER switch is set to the ON position.
Make sure that the [INPUT-FLIP] switches and the monitor select
switch are set to the appropriate positions. When an [INPUT-FLIP]
switch is set to "MIC/LINE (
channel fader and the STEREO fader, and set the monitor select
switch to "STEREO" or "ST+CUE". When an [INPUT-FLIP] switch is
set to "TAPE (
)", raise the corresponding channel CUE control
and the STEREO fader, and set the monitor select switch to "STE-
REO" or "ST+CUE".
Make sure that tape's write-protect tabs are intact.
Make sure that the [REC SELECT] switch is not set to "OFF".
Make sure that you have assigned the signal that you want to record
to the track. Use the CUE control to see if the signal is actually being
sent to the track.
Make sure that the [METER SELECT] switch is set correctly.
Make sure that the recording track is in recording pause mode.
Use the dbx noise reduction.
Make sure that the recording level is set correctly. Too low a signal
level will cause the tape hiss to be more noticeable.
Make sure that the recording level is set correctly. Too high a signal
level will cause distortion.
Clean the record-play head and other parts of the tape transport.
Demagnetize the record-play head.
Use the same tape speed as for recording.
In addition to turning up the AUX control, you must also raise the
channel fader. This is because the AUX SEND signal is source post-
fader (i.e., after the fader).
Make sure that the FSK/MIDI or SMPTE/MIDI converter is set to con-
vert the recorded SYNC signal into MIDI Clock or MTC.
Make sure that your MIDI sequencer is set to synchronize to an
external MIDI Clock or MTC. Refer to the MIDI sequencer's user
)", raise the corresponding input


Table des Matières



Table des Matières