Hand pallet truck SILVERLINE with scales
Weighing instructions
For a precise weighing result, you must consider following weighing
instructions! When eccentric loading, the forks will twist and bend, as well as
the weighing result being imprecise.
The lifting of the load must be slow and steady. Fast and unsteady bearing
pressure leads to dynamic peak demands, which can result to overload,
damage and even to destruction of the scale. In general, the maximum peak
load of 2000 kg – which consults of static, dynamic, and tared load – must not
be exceeded.
For a precise weighing result, the load must be positioned centric
between the forks with respect to the load centre (see picture).
For precise measurement of the weight, any inclination of the
pallet truck (sideward or in length direction) must be avoided.
The load must be supported with clearance all around it, without touching the weighing system housing or other
For precise results, the centre of gravity of the load should be between the prongs.
Eccentric loading will deform the fork, which will result in weighing inaccuracies.
Never use the tips of the fork as a lever.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten
Never use on an uneven surface.
Design changes under reserve
F 08.01.155
Sous réserve de modifications techniques !
load center
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