USiNG tHE SMartliNk PlatforM
attaCHiNG toolS - CENtEr BraCE
Depending on which tool is used, the center brace may
need to be moved to either the center or top of the
Smartlink Platform.
1. For roller and dethatcher tools, the center
brace should be attached to the top of the
Smartlink Platform as shown in figure 9. tighten.
rollEr aND DEtHatCHEr
2. For spike and plug aerator tools, the center
brace should be attached to the middle of the
Smartlink Platform as shown in figure 10. Do not
tighten yet.
SPikE aND PlUG aErator
fiGUrE 9
fiGUrE 10
attaCHiNG toolS - loaDiNG toolS
Different tools should be attached in the ways outlined
below to lower risk of injury. Always exercise caution
when loading a tool into the platform.
1. Slide the bushings on each end of the tool into the
axle retainers one end at a time. Make sure the axle
retainers snap into the lock position. See figure 11.
2. Proceed to LOCKING TOOLS section on page 8.
1. Fill roller with water then insert and lock roller plug.
2. Position platform over roller.
3. Unlock lift handle and lower platform until axle
retainers lock onto bushings.
4. Proceed to LOCKING TOOLS section on page 8.
fiGUrE 11
fiGUrE 12