Trolley Work Car Set
Electric streetcars used to run in
most cities around the world. With
quiet, clean electric motors, they
provided fast and reliable trans-
portation. Today, they are beco-
ming popular again, often under
the guise of "Light Rail."
The overhead electric wires nee-
ded to power the cars require
constant maintenance, and speci-
al trains were employed to quickly
repair any damage. Often, older
cars were converted for use in
work trains.
This detailed model features:
- weather-resistant construction
- power control switch
- track or catenary power operati-
- protected gearbox with seven-
pole Bühler motor
- four powered wheels
- self-adhesiv
- six power pickups
- voltage stabilization circuit
- automatic directional lighting
- two multi-purpose sockets
- length: 640 mm (25.2 in)
- weight: 1460 g (3.2 lb)
With this model, we recommend
the following items:
- 40420 Matra Crane Car
- 50320 European Warning Signs
- 51430 Railroad Worker Figures
- 56400 Standard Catenary Mast
- 56201 Catenary Wire, 12 pieces
For information on the complete
LGB program, see the LGB cata-
Safety gates: Safety gates are
included and can be installed on
either side of the streetcar. The
gates slide into the panels surro-
unding the steps (Fig. 1).
Indicator lights: Nonfunctional
indicator lights are included and
can be installed with the included
adhesive on the sides of the cars.
The positions for the lights are
indicated by ridges on each cor-
ner of the passenger compart-
ment (Fig. 2).
Operating Modes
This model can be operated with
track power or with power from an
LGB catenary system. There is a
power control switch located insi-
de the streetcar (Fig. 4). The
switch provides the following set-
tings (Fig. 5):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Track power to motors
and front and rear
lights (factory pre-set)
Position 2: Track power to motors
and front light only
Position 3: Catenary
motors and front and
rear lights
CAUTION! If this model is equip-
ped with a Multi-Train System
decoder, it must not be operated
with catenary power. Operate
track power only.
Catenary Power Operation
Connect the red terminal of the
power supply to the "Standard"
Catenary Mast with Wire (56401)
or the connection screw on any
"Model" catenary mast (Fig. 3).
Connect the blue terminal of the
power supply to the uninterrupted
"common" rail of the track.
The bottom of this model is mar-
ked with a red dot. Place the
model on the track with the red
dot pointing to the rail that is not
connected to the catenary power
When the power control switch is
set for catenary power, the cur-
rent flows from the power supply
via the catenary wire to the motor
of the model. It returns via the
common rail to the power supply.
When the power control switch is
set for track power, the current
flows via the rail to the motor and
returns to the power supply via
the common rail.